Free printable worksheets for celebrating fun holidays and seasons with your students.
Thanksgiving Worksheets
Free printable Thanksgiving worksheets and activity pages for preschool, kindergarten, and elementary students. You’ll find Thanksgiving math worksheets, logic puzzles, games, BINGO, Thanksgiving crafts, fine motor printables, writing prompts and more! Everything you need for an exciting week of Thanksgiving classroom fun!
Christmas Worksheets
Free printable Christmas worksheets for kids! Find fun Christmas themes like Santa, reindeer, stockings, and gingerbread men with these fun printable activity pages. We’ve also included Nativity printables, and Christian Christmas activity pages to celebrate the birth of Christ with our fun and free coloring sheets, games, and cute keepsake activities.
Martin Luther King Jr Worksheets
Free Martin Luther King Jr. Day worksheets and MLK printables for celebrating and remembering the Civil Rights movement in your classroom. You’ll find MLK coloring pages, American templates, games, activity pages, mazes, preschool worksheets, and more!
President’s Day Worksheets
Free President’s Day worksheets and President’s Day printables for celebrating this February holiday in your classroom. You’ll find President’s Day-themed coloring pages, presidential templates, games, activity pages, President’s Day mazes, preschool worksheets, and more!
Valentine’s Day Worksheets
Free printable Valentine’s Day worksheets for preschool, kindergarten, first and second grade students. You’re students will love our Valentine’s Day printables including vocabulary word search puzzles, word scrambles, Valentine Charades, tic-tac-toe and more. Plus tons of lovely coloring pages, crafts, games and activities.
St. Patrick’s Day Worksheets
Free printable Saint Patrick’s Day Worksheets, activities, games, crafts, projects, puzzles and more! You’ll find shamrocks, clovers, rainbows, leprechauns, and more! Everything you need to celebrate St. Paddy’s Day this March.
Easter Worksheets
Free printable Easter worksheets to celebrate this special holiday with your students. You’ll find secular and Christian Easter printables for homeschool, classroom, or Resurrection Sunday School activities. Printable Easter crafts, worksheets, games, puzzles, writing prompts, and more!
Mother’s Day Worksheets
Celebrate Mother’s Day in your classroom with our collection of free worksheets and printables designed for the spring season! Our worksheets include fun coloring pages, versatile templates, engaging games, interactive activity sheets, and developmentally appropriate preschool materials!
Father’s Day Worksheets
Free Father’s Day worksheets and printables for celebrating a special Dad in your classroom. You’ll find Father’s Day coloring pages, card templates, games, activity pages, mazes, and more! These Father’s Day worksheets are perfect for kids of all ages, from preschool and kindergarten through elementary school.
Halloween Worksheets
Free printable Halloween worksheets for kids! Download these amazing and valuable activities for classroom and homeschool use. You’ll find coloring pages, games, crossword puzzles, and so much more!
School Holidays & Special Events
First Day of School Worksheets
hese free PDF resources include simple yet fun activities to get to know classmates through hands-on worksheets. Create natural opportunities for students to interact through engaging worksheets designed specifically for making those initial connections.
100 Days of School Printables
FREE 100 Days of School printables! We’ve designed a variety of ideas and activities including 100 days of school posters, count-down charts, printable coloring pages, games, and even 100 days of school crowns for students to celebrate their hard work this year!
Leap Year Worksheets
Free printables and worksheets for students to learn all about Leap Year! You’ll find Leap Day Crown crafts, activities, puzzles, mazes, and more for students learning about this special Holiday that comes around once every four years.