Free printable 1st grade worksheets for students to learn important first grade standards in a homeschool or classroom setting. Download and print 1st-grade math worksheets, first-grade reading worksheets, grade one writing worksheets, science, and more! Parents and teachers love our standards based, enaging printable activities and lessons for first graders.
1st Grade Math Worksheets
Free pritntable 1st grade math worksheets to download and print. Students will work on important first grade math standards such as addition, subtraction, fact families, number sense, counting to 120, counting money, comparing numbers, graphing, 2D and 3D shapes, fractions, telling-time, tally marks, place value, and more! Everything you need for first grade math at home or in the classroom!
1st Grade Reading Worksheets
Free printable 1st-grade reading worksheets, games, charts, and activities you can use to help your first graders learn to read! Download and print our free first grade sight word worksheets, first grade reading comprehension worksheets, and more!
1st Grade Writing Worksheets
Free printable writing worksheets and activities for first-grade! Students work on sentence structure, punctuation, paragraph writing, poetry writing, and more! Download and print our free first grade writing prompts for an entire year of simple first-grade journal writing covering narrative, creative, opinion writing, descriptive, and more!
1st Grade Grammar Worksheets
First-grade students work on common nouns, plural nouns, proper nouns, adjectives, pronouns, possessive nouns, conjunctions, and other parts of speech. These free printable grammar worksheets for 1st grade will help you cover the ELA basics for grade one! Students will build
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