Free printable plural noun worksheets for students! Our resources include charts, activities, games, and teaching resources for elementary students. Below, you’ll find plural noun examples, word lists, and tons of fun simple noun activity pages, PDF worksheets, and learning centers for your kindergarten, first, second, and third-grade classroom. Pair these with our First Grade Reading Curriculum today!
Plural Nouns Chart
Free printable plural nouns chart or poster for your classroom. This colorful nouns chart provides students with simple, easy references and examples of plural nouns. Pair these with our free parts of speech charts for a complete unit.
Plural Nouns Word List
Free printable nouns word list for student reference charts. This helpful tool can help young readers and writers with identifying plural nouns. Find more common noun worksheets and teaching resources.
What is a Proper Noun?
A plural noun is a word that names more than one person, place, thing, (or idea). It refers to multiple entities and typically ends with -s, or -es. Following directions is a huge part of the learning process! Plural nouns are not capitalized unless they’re at the beginning of a sentence or are proper nouns. The simplest way to teach plural nouns is to help your students memorize the following definitions:
“A plural noun is more than one person, place or thing.”
Plural Nouns Anchor Chart / Poster
Free printable nouns anchor chart for students learning to identify plural nouns. This anchor chart reads, “A plural noun is a word that means more than one person, place, or thing.” It will make a simple reference chart for your youngest learners in kindergarten and first grade.
This provides a easy to learn tool for concrete nouns (nouns that are physical) and you can add in abstract nouns (ideas) during late elementary after students have a solid grasp of nouns and other mechanics of grammar and other parts of speech. We’ve provided printable charts for both levels so you can choose the most appropriate for your student.
“A plural noun is more than one person, place, thing, or idea.”
Plural Nouns Anchor Chart
Free printable nouns anchor chart for students learning to identify plural nouns. This anchor chart reads, “A plural noun is a word that means more than one person, place, or thing, or idea” and will make a simple reference chart for your late elementary students who are learning concrete and abstract nouns.
Plural Nouns Worksheets
Free printable plural nouns worksheets and printable activity pages for students learning all about plural nouns. Using writing prompts is another wonderful resource for pairing and practicing identifying and using plural nouns correctly.
Plural Nouns A-Z Worksheet
Students can show what they know with this simple A-Z brainstorming worksheet. For each letter of the alphabet, encourage students to write a plural noun. A few images are there to help get them started. Help them remember that these are plural nouns and not singular nouns.
Plural Nouns Fill-in-the-Blank Worksheet
Free printable fill in the blank plural nouns worksheet for students learning to use nouns in sentences. Instruct students to choose the best word from the given plural nouns word bank to complete each sentence. Tip: For extra silliness and engagement, have them read the sentence aloud with each word. This is sure to provide some funny combinations!
Cut & Paste Plural Noun Worksheet
Students cut out the noun words and sort them into singular or plural categories. Understanding and distinguishing plural vs. singular is an important skill for early elementary students as they build their grammar portfolio.
Plural Nouns Sorting Worksheet
Students follow the prompts to brainstorm a list of plural nouns for each category. For example students are asked to list nouns at school, or nouns that start with letter s. This is a great way to get your students thinking about the nouns all around them, including in the classroom!
Plural Nouns Sentence Worksheet
Once students understand the definition of a plural noun, they can test their skills with these plural noun sentences. Each sentence includes multiple plural nouns: people, places, or things. Students must read each sentence and underline, circle, or cross out the nouns, following the guide.
Plural Nouns Activity Page
Break out the Bingo dot markers for this fun plural nouns activity page. Students dab their way through the maze, only landing on plural nouns along the way. This is a fun, hands-on activity that teaches your students to identify plural nouns.
Plural Nouns Matching Page
Grab your pencils and start matching these plural nouns with their singular version. Your students will use a pencil, marker, or crayon to draw a line between each singular and plural noun match. Practice saying singular and plural versions of words today!
Common Noun Games & Learning Centers
Below you’ll find fun and free printable games, learning centers, and mats that you can use to help your students learn to match plural nouns with their singular versions. Using our singular and plural people, place, and things cards, along with our universal learning mats, you’ll be able to create simple, reusable materials for your classroom.
We’ve also got possessive noun worksheets if you’re looking for more variety in our grammar noun worksheets.
Singular and Plural Game Mat
Print this card as a learning mat for our singular and plural noun flashcards. Students can sort the cards and match the singular form with the plural form.
Singural and Plural Nouns Learning Mat
An easy-to-play singular and plural nouns learning mat-style game. Students will use the flashcards (below) to match the singular forms of people, places, and things with their plural forms.
Plural Nouns Flashcard Set 1
This set of cards features 12 different plural nouns of people: teachers, chefs, librarians, doctors, farmers, scientists, clerks, nurses, zoo keepers, firefighters, police officers, and bankers.
Plural Nouns Flashcards Set 2
These plural noun cards feature 12 unique places for students to learn, including schools, beaches, restaurants, parks, zoos, churches, homes, farms, stores, hospitals, and gardens.
Plural Nouns Flashcards Set 3
12 free printable cards for students learning plural nouns. Features books, apples, cats, balls, shoes, dogs, chairs, cars, trees, boats, flowers, and frogs.
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