FREE Opinion Writing Prompts for students! Our opinion writing prompts for kids helps students practice their creative writing skills. Fun opinion writing prompts will help your students learn to explain their opinions in a clear and easily understandable way. For more writing activities check out our WRITE: Kindergarten Writing Prompts.
Free Printable Opinion Writing Prompts
Teaching students how to write opinionated responses will help them grow confidence in their own opinions and explanations. Each of our writing prompt cards will encourage students to evaluate both options and choose their favorite to explain.
Opinion Writing Prompts for Kids
Teachers, we have a great writing resource for use in the home or the classroom! Teaching students how to express their opinions through writing is invaluable practice, as it not only strengthens their ability to communicate effectively but also fosters critical thinking and self-expression. Teachers, if you need more free writing activities, look at our FREE Informative Writing Prompts.
Opinion Writing Prompt Cards
Our free opinion writing prompts can be laminated to make the prompts more durable and last longer. We have provided writing prompts to last through the whole year. Each month has its own seasonal prompts. Looking for fun and free handwriting paper to pair with our Opinion Writing Prompts? Check out a huge variety of handwriting worksheets including an area for drawing and writing with guided lines. Or, craving more writing prompt cards? Check out our FREE Narrative Writing Prompts.
Opinion Writing Prompts for September
Kindergarten and First Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Our prompts make lesson planning easy! By providing specific prompts, teachers can focus on particular writing skills such as narrative structure, descriptive language, persuasive techniques, etc.
- Do you think kids should have homework? Why or why not?
- The best rule in school is ________ because…
- Would you rather use markers or crayons? Why?
- Why are markers better than crayons?
- Would you rather live on the moon or the sun? Why?
- Markers are better than crayons because…
- What I love about myself is…
- Do you think school hould start later? Why or why not?
- My teacher is the best because…
- I am excited for ______________ to be my teacher because…
- The best thing about school is…
- Would you rather be a fish or a ladybug? Why?
Second and Third Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
This set of opinion writing prompts include prompt cards asking students to choose one of two options and then back up their reasoning.
- Cookies are better than muffins because…
- Is being a teacher hard? Why or why not?
- Do you think classrooms should have a class pet? Why of why not?
- Apples are better than oranges because…
- My favorite thing about me is…
- Cupcakes are better than cake because…
- Would you rather drink only water or only coffee? Why?
- Would you rather live on a mountain or a beach? Why?
- Would you rather use paint or pencils? Why?
- My teacher is amazing because…
- Do you think teachers should give you extra recess every day? Why or why not?
- School is fun because…
Fourth and Fifth Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Prompts can introduce students to new genres, styles, or topics they may not have considered on their own, broadening their literary horizons.
- Should buses have seat belts? Why or why not?
- Would you rather be stuck outside in a thunderstorm or a blizzard? Why?
- Are bus drivers important to a school? Why or why not?
- What is the most important thing in your classroom? Why did you choose that?
- The ____________ teachers are the best because…
- Bananas (are/are not) good because…
- If you could make a new school rule, what would if be and why?
- Would you rather visit a castle or a cave? Why?
- ____________ is goin to be amazing because…
- What is your best quality? Why did you choose that?
- Would it be fun to fly? Why or why not?
- The best fruit ever is…
Opinion Writing Prompts for October
Kindergarten and First Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Each one of our writing prompts pages comes with 12 different opinionated writing prompts for students to answer.
- The best part about fall is…
- If I could be anyone else for one day. I would be…
- The best Halloween candy is ________ because…
- My favorite holiday is…
- Fall is better than spring because…
- If you had any superpower, what would it be and why?
- Do you think it is important to have a best friend? Why or why not?
- Halloween costumes should always be (scary, cute, funny) because…
- I like fall because…
- Who is your favorite superhero? Why are they your favorite?
- Do you like getting your hair cut? Why or why not?
- If I could switch lives with someone for a day. I would choose…
Second Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Opinion writing prompts will help student learn how to explain themselves and back up their opinions with reasoning.
- Halloween should always be on a weekend because…
- My family is important to me because…
- Fall is fun when…
- Persuade your readers to protect their skin from the sun’s harmful rays.
- Do you prefer playing outside or inside? Why?
- Create a list of all the things you love about October.
- I like fall weather because…
- Second grade is fun because we learn about…
- Getting my hair cut makes me feel…
- Would you rather go trick or treating or hand out candy? Why?
- Halloween is fun because…
- Is it better to live in the city or the countryside?
Fourth Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Here is a set of Halloween themed writing prompts for students to complete during the month of October.
- Fall foods are better than summer foods because…
- Would you rather be Spiderman or Superman? Why?
- Should schools require students to wear uniforms? Share your opinion.
- Describe the perfect costume for a Halloween parade.
- It is important to do well in school because…
- If I could be anything for Halloween, I would be…
- The best book I read this year is…
- If I could change one thing about myself it would be…
- I like to dress up for Halloween because…
- Pumpkin carving is fun because…
- Carving pumpkins is fun because…
- I (like/do not like) to dress up for Halloween because…
Fifth Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
These opinion writing prompts may encourage students to reflect on personal experiences, values, or beliefs.
- The best Halloween candy is…
- My favorite thing about fall is…
- Explain the importance of being kind.
- The worst Halloween treat is…
- If you could experience life from another perspective, whose life would you want to live for a day?
- I love the fall food _________ because…
- What do you think would happen if we skipped fall?
- Do you think pumpkin carving is a fun activity for October? Why or why not?
- Should plastic bags be banned in grocery stores? Why or why not?
- Halloween is a fun holiday because…
- Do you believe technology has had a positive or negative impact on society?
- Is trick-or-treating safe and fun in October? Explain your thoughts.
Opinion Writing Prompts for November
Kindergarten and First Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Prompts can require students to analyze, evaluate information, and encouraging critical thinking skills. Children can then write out
- What is your favorite fall food? Why?
- Write about your favorite fall sport or activity.
- What is your favorite thing to do at the pumpkin patch?
- Do you like football? Why or why not?
- What is your favorite thing about November?
- What is your favorite fall treat? Describe it.
- What has been the most fun thing you’ve done all fall?
- Would you rather eat spinach or mushrooms? Why?
- Write about your favorite fall color.
- What is something new you would like to try in November?
- What is your favorite color? Why?
- Do you like pumpkin-flavored food? Why or why not?
Second and Third Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Here is a set of November opinion writing prompts. Included are Thanksgiving themed prompts for students to write off of.
- What is your favorite Thanksgiving food? Why is it your favorite?
- Would you rather have school year-round or 9 months out of the year?
- Would you rather win $100 or win free McDonald’s for life?
- What is your favorite food at Thanksgiving?
- What fall holiday is your favorite. Halloween or Thanksgiving?
- What is your favorite fall activity? Why is it your favorite?
- What are three things you are thankful for?
- Do you think football is a Thanksgiving tradition? Why or why not?
- What is something you want to get better at? Why do you want to get better?
- If you could meet any famous sports player, who would it be and why?
- Would you rather eat apple pie or pumpkin pie? Why?
- Would you rather eat spaghetti or pizza? Why?
Fourth and Fifth Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Expressing opinions requires students to analyze information critically, evaluate evidence, and form reasoned arguments. This process sharpens their critical thinking skills.
- Fall is better than winter because…
- What is something you have always wanted to learn how to do? Why?
- Fall is better than summer because…
- Write a persuasive letter to your principal explaining why your school needs a new playground.
- Would you rather go to a pumpkin patch or grow your pumpkins?
- Would you rather have all year be fall or sprint? Why?
- Would you rather have a skunk or a turkey join you for Thanksgiving? Why?
- Create a poster persuading your friends to join the school’s recycling club.
- Describe three things that you love about fall.
- Would you rather wear flip-flops in the winter or snow boots in the summer? Why?
- Convince your classmates why recess should be longer every day.
- Write a story persuading your family to adapt a pet from the animal shelter instead of buying one from a store.
Opinion Writing Prompts for December
Kindergarten and First Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Starting with a prompt can make writing feel more manageable for students who may lack confidence in their writing abilities. It provides a structured framework to begin their writing process.
- What is your favorite thing about December?
- What is your favorite holiday movie? Why?
- What is your favorite thing to do on Christmas Eve?
- What is your favorite thing to do on New Year’s Eve?
- What is your favorite holiday decoration? Describe it.
- The best gift you can give is…
- What is your favorite holiday treat? Describe it.
- What is your favorite thing to do on a snowy day?
- What is your favorite holiday tradition? Why?
- What does the holiday season mean to you?
- Christmas dinner should always be…
- Persuade Santa to give everyone presents even if they are on the naughty list.
Second Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Expressing opinions requires students to analyze information critically, evaluate evidence, and form reasoned arguments. This process sharpens their critical thinking skills.
- Would you rather decorate the tallest Christmas tree in the world or build a gingerbread house?
- Would you rather meet an elf or a snowman? Why?
- Would you rather build a snowman or have a snowball fight?
- Would you rather stay up late on New Year’s Eve or wake up early on Christmas morning?
- Write a persuasive letter to your principal asking for a day-long holiday party.
- Would you rather get coal in your stocking or stinky socks?
- Would you rather receive one big gift or several small gifts?
- Would you rather live at the North Pole with Santa Claus or live in a tropical beach during December?
- Would you rather have a magic sled that can take you anywhere in the world or magic kitchen that can make any dessert you want?
- Do you prefer snowy or warm December holidays? Why?
- What is your favorite December holiday tradition and why?
- Would you rather have a pet polar bear or a per penguin?
Third and Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Expressing opinions requires students to analyze information critically, evaluate evidence, and form reasoned arguments. This process sharpens their critical thinking skills.
- If you were in a holiday talent show, what would your talent be?
- Would you rather have a real Christmas tree or an artificial one?
- Would you rather help decorate the house for the December holidays or help bake holiday treats?
- Should we have winter break or not? Why?
- In your opinion, what is the most important part of celebrating the December holidays?
- Do you think it’s more important to spend time with family or friends during the December holidays?
- Should fireworks be allowed on New Year’s Eve? Why or why not?
- Would you rather be able to ice skate like a professional or make the most beautiful snow sculptures in the world?
- What is something considered a “weird” food combination that you think is delicious?
- Write a persuasive essy on why spending time with family and friends is more important than giving or receiving gifts during the December holidys.
- Would you rather be able to only wear cozy pajamas for the entire month or wear a fancy holiday outfit every day?
- Persuade your readers to try your favorite holiday food.
Fifth Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Regular practice in opinionated writing enhances their overall writing proficiency. We offer a variety of different writing prompts to help students with their consistency.
- What is your favorite holiday tradition in December, and why?
- Do you prefer receiving gifts or giving gifts during the holiday season? Why?
- Would you rather have a white Christmas with snow or a green Christmas without snow? Explain your choice.
- What is the best part about decorating the Christmas tree?
- Would you rather eat pizza or ice cream? Why?
- Persuade your teacher to give you the gift of no homework for the rest of the year.
- Do you think it’s important to be kind and generous during the holiday season? Why or why not?
- Persuade your teacher to give you the gift of no homework for the rest of the year.
- Would you rather color with crayons or markers? Why?
- Do you believe in Santa Claus? Why or why not?
- Should people decorate their houses with colorful lights and decorations for the holidays? Why?
- Is it better to spend the holidays at home with family or to travel and explore new places? Explain your opinion.
Opinion Writing Prompts for January
Kindergarten and First Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Some students may struggle with writer’s block or lack ideas for what to write about. Prompts provide a starting point, helping students overcome this hurdle.
- I like winter because…
- Winter is the best season because…
- If I could make snow I would…
- If I were a penguin in the North Pole. I would…
- Describe three reasons you like winter.
- What do you enjoy doing over winter break?
- I like sledding better than skiing because…
- Sledding is fun because…
- My favorite hot chocolate topping is…
- Snowboarding is better than skiing because…
- If I were to build a sled, I would…
- If you had to live in an igloo, what would you want to take with you?
Second and Third Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
The ability to express opinions persuasively is a valuable skill in various professions and fields. Students will be able to practice their opinionated writing with our prompts!
- Snowball fighting should be an Olympic sport because…
- A perfect winter day includes…
- If you could create your own winter holiday, what would it be and why?
- If you could be any winter animal for a day, which one would you choose and why?
- Why do you think people make New Year’s resolutions?
- Snowball fights are not something I want to participate in because…
- Describe the perfect day spent playing in the snow.
- The most disgusting cookie recipe includes…
- How would you feel if every day was winter?
- What are three things you love about winter?
- If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?
- What are your favorite winter activities to do indoors and why?
Fourth and Fifth Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Here is a winter themed set of writing prompts. This is the perfect winter activity for students to complete when stuck inside the house.
- Which winter activity do you enjoy the most in January: building a snowman, ice skating, or sledding? Why?
- Persuade your best friend to read more often. Explain why it is importatn.
- Write a letter to your principal suggesting ways to make recess in the winter more enjoyable.
- What is your favorite thing about the start of a new year in January?
- Should you have two months off for summer break or winter break? Why?
- Do you think January is the best month for staring new habits or resolutions? Why or why not?
- Which season is better than winter? Why?
- Do you prefer hot chocolate or war soup to keep cozy in January? Why?
- Should schools have snow days in January? Why or why not?
- Should people celebrate more in January, or is it better to have a quiet month after the holiday season? Why?
- Do you think recycling Christmas trees is a good idea? Why or why not?
- What is your opinion on winter sports like skiing or snowboarding in January?
Opinion Writing Prompts for February
Kindergarten and First Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Students will learn more about themselves when thinking through the questions. Children will learn to understand reasons behind their answers.
- Who do you love the most?
- To be a good friend means…
- My favorite sport is…
- If you had a turtle shell on your back how would you use it?
- Do you think the groundhog will see his shadow?
- I would love to be 100 years old because…
- Would you rather give your mom a box of chocolates or a bouquet of flowers? Why?
- Who is an influential person in your life?
- A person I really love is…
- If I was President, I would…
- My favorite snack is…
- Would you rather be the President or a King? Why?
Second and Third Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Our writing prompts include fun topics such as “My favorite pizza toppings are…”. This makes writing more enjoyable.
- Do you want Punxsutawney Phil to see his shadow? Why or why not?
- The best breakfast food is…
- I want 6 weeks of…
- What do you love most about Valentine’s Day?
- My favorite pizza toppings are…
- Would you rather eat cookies or crackers every day?
- If you could meet any President, who would it be and why?
- If you could have any pet, what would it be?
- If I was a groundhog…
- The best Valentine’s party would include…
- What would the perfect Valentine’s dinner menu include?
- Would you rather live at the beach or in the mountains?
Fourth and Fifth Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Students will practice fine motor skills such as handwriting and scissor skills. Children will also practice learning how to structure sentences and paragraphs.
- Would you rather eat a snail or a grasshopper? Why?
- I link my teacher would appreciate it if students…
- If I could fly, I would…
- My (dad/mom) is the best because…
- Would you rather have the ability to fly or be invisible?
- Would you rather live in a snow fort or a sand castle?
- Who is your favorite president and why?
- My favorite flavor inside of a box of chocolates is…
- Three things I would change as President are…
- What is your favorite food that is pink?
- If you could eat only one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- Who is your hero and why?
Opinion Writing Prompts for March
Kindergarten and First Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Articulating their opinions in writing helps students develop essential writing skills, such as organization, clarity, and persuasive language.
- My favorite book is…
- My favorite pie is…
- If you could be famous, what would you be known for?
- What is your favorite type of pie?
- An important woman in my life is…
- Write about your favorite Dr. Seuss book.
- One thing I never want to do is…
- What instrument would you like to learn to play?
- If I was a leprechaun…
- An instrument I like is…
- I am looking forward to spring because…
- Who do you look up to? Why?
Second Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
This writing practice encourages children to consider alternative perspectives. They will weigh their options and then choose their personal opinion.
- Spring is beautiful because…
- My favorite season is _________ because…
- One woman I am proud of is…
- If you could have dinner with any famous person, who would it be and why?
- One pie that I love is…
- I’m scared to try…
- What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow?
- Something I never hope happens to me is…
- Name a famous person who you would like to meet. Why would you want to meet them?
- Persuade your mom into building a leprechaun trap for St. Patrick’s Day.
- Persuade your readers to try Irish food on St. Patrick’s Day.
- What types of instruments would make up the perfect band?
Third and Fourth Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Teachers! After cutting up the writing prompts mix up the prompts and have kids draw random prompts to complete.
- Who is your favorite superhero? Why?
- What ingredients would be in the worst pie ever made?
- What type of animal trap would also make a good leprechaun trap? Why?
- What do you think is at the end of a rainbow?
- What animal are you afraid of? Why are you afraid of it?
- What wish would you make on a shooting star?
- How many National Parks are there and which one would you like to visit the most?
- Would you ever want to be famous? Why or why not?
- If you could have dinner with Dr. Seuss, what are three questions you would ask him?
- If you caught a leprechaun, what three wishes would you ask for?
- If you had the choice to live somewhere where it was always spring or always summer which would you choose and why?
- If you were a meteorologist, what would be your favorite part of the job?
Fifth Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Writing is a fundamental mode of communication in both academic and professional settings. By learning how to write effectively, students can convey their thoughts, ideas, and arguments clearly and persuasively.
- You catch a leprechaun, but he breaks out of your trap. What went wrong?
- Who would you consider famous in your community? Why are they considered famous?
- Who is your hero? Write a letter to them explaining why they are your hero.
- Do you think March is a good time to start planting flowers and vegetables? Why or why not?
- Is March the best month for playing outside? Why or why not?
- Should we wear green on St. Patrick’s Day? Share your opinion.
- If your mom was famous, what would she be famous for?
- Should schools have a week off in March for Spring Break? Explain your opinion.
- Why do you think it is so hard to find the end of a rainbow?
- Dr. Seuss was a famous author. What do you thing would be the hardest part about writing a book?
- Do you think being a meteorologist would be hard work? Why or why not?
- Should people celebrate National Reading Month in March? Share your thoughts.
Opinion Writing Prompts for April
Kindergarten and First Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
The process of writing requires students to organize their thoughts, analyze information, and construct coherent arguments. Through writing, students develop critical thinking skills that are vital for success in academics and life.
- The best thing about Easter is…
- My favorite holiday is…
- Where do you think the Easter Bunny lives?
- I think the best April Fool’s Day prank is…
- If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
- Rabbits are better than reindeer because…
- My favorite activity to do at the beach is…
- What animal would make the best pet? Why?
- If you could live in any book what would it be and why?
- I (like/don’t like) April Fool’s Day because…
- Explain what you should do to reduce, reuse, and recycle.
- Do you think the Easter Bunny has someone to help him? Why or why not?
Second and Third Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Strong writing skills are closely linked to academic success. Students who can express themselves well in writing are better equipped to excel in various subjects, from English and history to science and mathematics.
- What is your favorite book and why?
- If we could only recycle our trash what might happen?
- Write a letter that persuades your best friend to read your favorite book.
- Would you rather be stuck inside a raindrop or a snowflake? Why?
- What do you thing would happen if we didn’t take care of our planet?
- The worst April Fool’s Day prank would be…
- Do you think school should be 5 days a week? Why or why not?
- If you could make up a new holiday, what would it be and why?
- Persuade your teacher to get a pet snail.
- If you were a rabbit, what would be the best and worst part? Why?
- What type of animal would be the best class pet? Why?
- Persuade your readers to take care of the planet.
Fourth and Fifth Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Writing provides a means for students to express themselves creatively and authentically. It allows them to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a structured and meaningful way.
- What is your favorite part of Easter?
- Persuade your principal to let you start a school garden. Explain why it would be beneficial.
- What do you think would happen if the Easter Bunny at only chocolate for 24 hours?
- If you were in charge of renaming the weather. What would rain, snow and sunshine be called? Explain why you gave them these new names.
- If you could change anything about school, what would it be and why.
- Imagine you were a character in your favorite book. What part would you play?
- Persuade the Easter Bunny to only bring you candy and eggs but give the rest of the world lettuce.
- How many holidays do you think we should celebrate every month? Why?
- Would you rather be outside in a spring storm or a fall storm? Why?
- How many years of school do you think kids should have? Why?
- Imagine you find a golden starfish. What would you do with it?
- What is your favorite part of April? Is it the blooming flowers, the warmer weather, or something else? Explain why you think it’s the best part of the month.
Opinion Writing Prompts for May
Kindergarten and First Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
The ability to write effectively empowers students to advocate for themselves and others. Whether they’re writing essays, letters, or emails, proficient writers can articulate their needs and opinions with confidence.
- My favorite way to stay active is…
- Would you rather get stuck in mud or snow?
- My hero is…
- My favorite outdoor activity is…
- Recess should be longer because…
- My teacher needs a new…
- Would you rather be able to talk to animals or fly? Why?
- The perfect taco includes…
- My mother is the best because…
- Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet unicorn?
- Persuade your teacher to get rid of homework.
- My favorite food is…
Second Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Moms! Do you need a car ride activity for your students? Our writing prompts will keep children entertained while learning.
- Persuade your best friend to dress the some as you tomorrow.
- What is the best name for a shark? Why?
- One food I like to eat is…
- Outside I like to play…
- Would you rather have to only hop like a bunny or slither like a snake?
- Would you rather be able to talk to cows or dogs? Why?
- Describe what qualities you think a hero should have, and why they are important.
- One thing I don’t like on my tacos is…
- If you could be any superhero for a day, who would you be and why?
- An animal I think looks interesting is…
- Would you rather travel to the past or visit the future?
- My mom is my best friend because…
Third and Fourth Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Opinionated writing helps students develop clarity and coherence in their thoughts, enabling them to communicate effectively in various contexts.
- My favorite sport is…
- Do you think the school should make every Tuesday “Taco Tuesday”? Why or why not?
- If you could invent a new toy, what would it be? How would it work?
- Write a letter persuading your friend’s mom to let you spend the night.
- One thing I love about my teacher is…
- The thing I am looking forward to most about summer break is…
- Would you rather be a doctor or a fireman? Why?
- My favorite song is…
- My mom makes the best…
- Would you rather sing every word you say or see in only black and white?
- Describe your favorite season. What do you like to do during that time of year?
- What I love about third grade is…
Fifth Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Students practice critical thinking skills when analyzing each question. Each writing prompt is either a question or a would you rather question.
- Exercise is important. One way I like to sty active is…
- What are three of your favorite taco fillings?
- Would you rather have 12 fingers or have 3 eyes? Why?
- Persuade your principal to get a school pet. What pet would you choose and why?
- Summer break can’t come fast enough because…
- Is your mom funny? Why or why not?
- Would you rather have the ability to talk to animals or speak every language in the world?
- If you could give your teacher anything, what would if be and why?
- Would you rather be able to teleport or be able to read minds?
- My mom is the best because…
- Would you rather be really tall or really short? Why?
- This school year was awesome because…
Opinion Writing Prompts for June
Kindergarten and First Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Teachers! If you need some fun summer writing activities we have summer themed writing prompts for your students to use.
- If I were to visit the ocean. I would want to see…
- My favorite ocean animal is…
- My favorite ice cream flavor is…
- The best summer day I ever had was…
- Would you rather spend a summer day hiking or swimming? Why?
- If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you go?
- During the summer my favorite activity is…
- Would you rather go surfing or sailing? Why?
- Do you like reading or math more? Why?
- My dad is the best because…
- Summer is better than fall because…
- How would you feel if you had to swim with sharks?
Second and Third Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Writing demands attention to detail in grammar, punctuation, and structure, helping students develop precision in their language.
- Would you rather have a tail or whickers? Why?
- I think my dad is a superhero because…
- What would you do if someone gave you $10?
- If you were going to go fishing, who would you take with you and why?
- What do you like most about nature?
- What is the best thing about you?
- If you could be any ocean animal, what would you be and why?
- What is the worst summer holiday ever? Why?
- Would you rather camp in a tent or live in an RV?
- Summer is my favorite holiday because…
- Would you rather ear only chicken nuggets or French fries for the rest of your life?
- What would you do with $100?
Fourth and Fifth Grade Writing Prompts
Regular writing practice boosts students’ confidence in their abilities to express themselves effectively.
- What is the best thing about being a kid?
- Would you rather have a rainy weekend or a sunny school day?
- A picnic is better than eating at home because…
- Would you rather be too hot or to cold? Why?
- What would you do if someone gave you $1 million?
- Persuade your family to take a summer vacation.
- What do you think it would be like to float in a canoe?
- What do you like most about yourself?
- What do you think it would be like to live underwater?
- This summer is going to be awesome because…
- What do you think is the most ferocious ocean animal? Why?
- My favorite memory with my dad is…
Opinion Writing Prompts for July
Kindergarten and First Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Here is a July themed set of writing prompts for students to practice their summer writing. There are summer holiday writing prompts included.
- My favorite 4th of July activity is…
- Which is worse being stung by a bee or your ice cream melting off the cone?
- Would you rather live in the north or south? Why?
- I could never live without…
- Summer is better than winter because…
- I am proud to be an American because…
- What is your favorite part about 4th of July? Why?
- /My favorite indoor activity is…
- If I saw a shark while swimming. I would…
- What makes your parent special to you?
- My favorite thing to do in the summer is…
- Do you like to go camping? What or why not?
Second Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
From writing about grandparents to recording their favorite summer treat, your second graders will love talking about what they love to eat.
- I love my grandparents because…
- Would you rather eat only popcorn or only cotton candy? Why?
- Do you like to go boating? Why or why not?
- What is your favorite pizza topping? Why is it your favorite?
- My favorite is special to me because…
- What would you do if a fish bit your toe?
- What is one thing you could never live without? Why?
- What is your favorite summer treat?
- What would you do if a skunk came near your campsite?
- What is your favorite summer food? Why?
- What is your favorite way to stay cool in the summer?
- Who is the best cook in your house?
Fourth Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
This is is a fun food themed page of writing prompts. These opinionated writing prompts will get students in the mood for the 4th of July!
- Cooking hot dogs on a fire is better than on the stove because…
- If you could choose any restaurant to eat at, what would you choose and why?
- What do teachers do over summer vacation?
- Would you rather go fishing or camping? Why?
- If I had to give up one thing, it would be…
- Are bees helpful or hurtful? Why?
- If you could pick anything for dinner, what would it be and why?
- If you were going to have a 4th of July picnic what foods would you include?
- Would you rather eat a snail or a squid? Why?
- If you are upset, what makes you feel better?
- What is your favorite food and why?
Fifth Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Teacher Tip: Have your older students practice completing these writing prompts by using their cursive handwriting.
- Sunny days are better than rainy days because…
- Would you rather have siblings or be an only child? Why?
- I like summer better than spring because…
- If you could go anywhere in the world to scuba dive, where would you go and why?
- Would you go bungee jumping? Why or why not?
- Explain why you think America is great.
- What qualities make a good friend?
- Does pineapple belong on pizza? Why or why not?
- Would you rather drink milk or juice every day? Why?
- Would you rather be too hot or too cold? Why?
- If you had to get rid of one thing in your bedroom, what would it be and why?
Opinion Writing Prompts for August
Kindergarten and First Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Learning how to properly write will help students with the rest of their learning careers. These writing prompts will set up your students for success.
- If I were a teacher I would…
- What is your favorite zoo animal? Why?
- Hot dogs are better than pizza because…
- What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Describe how it tastes and why you life it.
- My favorite part about camping is…
- My favorite day of the week is ___________ because…
- My favorite food is…
- Draw and write about something that makes you happy.
- Would you rather see a dolphin or a whale? Why?
- Do you like Skittles or M&Ms better? Why?
- The best birthday party would be…
- I like to eat apples that are…
Second Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
Teachers! After students finish writing out their opinionated response have them explain their reasoning to the class.
- This morning was great because…
- What is the best part about going to the fair?
- My favorite place to visit is…
- I like to visit ________ because…
- Would you rather go swimming or ice skating? Why?
- Would it be fun to share a room with your sibling(s)? Why or why not?
- Camping is fun because…
- Who is your best friend? What makes them a good friend?
- Would you rather go to the zoo or the aquarium? Why?
- School is better than summer because…
- Describe three things that make you feel happy.
- What is your favorite animal at the aquarium and why?
Fourth Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
By having students explain their reasoning to for their answer to the question will help students think through their answers.
- I do not like camping because…
- If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
- Hamburgers are better than hot dogs because…
- What is one thing you have always wanted to do?
- What’s your favorite family activity? Why is it your favorite?
- What is the best ride at the fair? Why is it the best?
- My favorite teacher is…
- The best animal at the zoo is…
- Would you rather eat pizza or spaghetti? Why?
- What is the best art supply and why?
- Would you rather have a pet lizard or a pet mouse? Why?
- Teachers are so smart because…
Fifth Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
These engaging writing prompts each have their own colorful pictures to help keep your students’ attention on their paper.
- Would driving a car be fun? Why or why not?
- What is your favorite place to go with your family? Why is it your favorite?
- Explain why 3rd grade is going to be the best school year ever.
- One animal I wish I could see is…
- What is your favorite fair food? Why is it your favorite?
- The best book I ever read was…
- Do you think aliens are real? Why or why not?
- Would you rather drink orange juice or lemonade? Why?
- Persuade your teacher to take you on a field trip.
- Who is the smartest person you know? Why did you pick them?
- Would you rather stub your toe or pinch your pinky finger? Why?
Fifth Grade Opinion Writing Prompts
One of the writing prompts included in this pack is a persuasive writing card. Children are encouraged to think about the best way to persuade someone.
- Would you rather ear a worm or a spider? Why?
- The book is better than the movie because…
- If you could have any animal from a zoo as a pet, what would it be and why?
- Is it important to take school seriously? Why or why not?
- If someone in your family was a superhero, who would it be and why?
- The best movie I’ve watched is…
- Is exercise important? Why or why not?
- The best place to visit is…
- persuade everyone to play tage at recess.
- Do you think a mouse can swim? Why or why not?
- Persuade your school to not give ehomework this year.
- Write a letter persuading you teacher to get a class pet.
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