Learning about animal mimicry is an exciting opportunity for your students! Creation is filled with numerous examples of mimicry and you can use these free printable mimicry worksheets to encourage your students to research these fascinating creatures! If you’re looking for more science related printables, check out our Science Learning Pack!
What is a Mimicry?
Did you know that mimicry is a term used for the act or art of copying or imitating closely or mimicking? This mimicry definition means that the resemblance is shown by certain animal species. Some mimicry examples that look like other species to protect them from predators include the monarch butterfly and viceroy butterfly, owl and own butterfly and more shown below. Check out all of our amazing camouflage insects, snakes, and birds!
Monarch Butterfly & Viceroy Butterfly Mimicry Worksheet
Students compare and contrast the monarch and viceroy butterfly with this free printable worksheet. Full color illustrations are great for students to find an identify the small differences, and room is provided to write key facts and details.
Coral Snake & Scarlet King Snake Mimicry Worksheet
Students compare and contrast the coral snake and the scarlet king snake with this free printable worksheet. Full color illustrations are great for students to find an identify the small differences, and room is provided to write key facts and details.
Ladybug & Lady Bird Spider Mimicry Worksheet
Students compare and contrast the ladybug and the lady bird spider with this free printable worksheet. Full color illustrations are great for students to find an identify the small differences, and room is provided to write key facts and details.
Yellow Jacket & Hover Fly Mimicry Worksheets
Students compare and contrast the yellow jacket and hover fly with this free printable worksheet. Full color illustrations are great for students to find an identify the small differences, and room is provided to write key facts and details.
Flatfish and Mimic Octopus Mimicry Worksheet
Students compare and contrast the flatfish and mimic octopus with this free printable worksheet. Full color illustrations are great for students to find an identify the small differences, and room is provided to write key facts and details.
Lionfish & Mimic Octopus Mimicry Worksheet
The mimic octopus is amazing! Not only does it mimic the flatfish, but when it spreads it arms it attempts to mimic the lionfish as well. Truly a stunning creature! Print this free mimicry worksheet to encourage your students to research and write key facts and details.
Owl & Owl Butterfly Mimicry Worksheet
Students compare and contrast the owl and the owl butterfly with this free printable worksheet. Full color illustrations are great for students to find an identify the small differences, and room is provided to write key facts and details.
What is Mimicry?
Mimicry is a creature’s ability to visually, audibly, or olfactorily “mimic” another creature or plant in order to protect themselves and or to potentially benefit from the misunderstanding. Mimicry is similar to camouflage, however, instead of simply blending into their surroundings, mimics intentionally represent themselves as another living creature. Similarly, camouflage is a creature’s ability to blend into their surroundings. After learning about mimicry, teach your students about camouflage and how to recognize which is which! Try our free Camouflage teaching resources here.
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the owl/butterfly pdf is blank