FREE Whale Templates for kids! Engage your students with our free printable whale coloring pages! These detailed whale template illustrations provide craft DIY projects for students with Jonah and Whale, plus learn about different species like blue whales, killer, ocra, and sperm whales. This fun, hands-on whale craft template is an excellent addition to any classroom! Print today! For more printable to use in the classroom try our Science Notebook K-3 today!
Template of a Whale
Our printable whale template is a great additional craft when teaching about marine biology. This free pack of whale worksheets offers a beluga whale template, killer whale template, and more! Included are three different sized whales for students to color. For more free printables check out our Letter W Coloring Pages and Fish Templates!
Cute Whale Template
Free printable whale template for kids crafts and activities. Use for painting, drawing, designing, or even writing! Thick, easy black lines for kids to cut out and add detailed designs.
Whale Template
Here is a large blank whale template for students to color in. Students have creative freedom to use a variety of different coloring utensils to complete their whale craft.
Whale Template Medium
These printable whale templates are great crafts for students to use as decoration in the classroom or in their bedrooms at home.
Whale Template Small
This little papercraft whale template can be used to make a banner decoration. Have kids decorate each whale and then thread a string through the whales to make a hanging decoration.
Free Printable Jonah and the Whale Craft Template
These free printable whale coloring pages can be reused by placing them in a page protector or laminating them, allowing kids to use dry-erase markers and color them repeatedly. This not only makes the activity more sustainable but also provides an opportunity for kids to learn about different whale species. For more free ocean printables try out our free Ocean Crafts for Kids today!
Template of a Whale
These pages allow students to explore the fascinating world of whales while developing important skills like hand-eye coordination, concentration, and color recognition.
Template of a Whale Medium
Here are two happy whales that both have water coming out of their blow holes. As well as four spots and a tail.
Template of Whale Small
Have a collage art day at school with this blue whale template. Students can color and cut out each whale before gluing them to make a unique collage!
Whale Template Printable
By engaging with these whale-themed coloring sheets, students can learn about different whale species. Teach about the whale habitats and each of the unique traits of each different species as students complete each coloring page. Teachers! If you need more free coloring pages try out our Creation Coloring Pages today!
Free Printable Jonah and the Whale Craft Template
This is a fun Jonah and the whale craft template for students to complete! Children will color in Jonah and his black and white whale.
Jonah and the Whale Craft Template
Children will practice following direction skills when completing this colored Jonah and the whale craft. Students will cut out each piece and then place a brad through the whale.
Jonah and the Whale Template
Here is a large black and white blue whale for children to color and cut out. This is a great resource for marine biology research projects.
Whale Template Printable
Included in this free set of printable whale templates is a large lined paper whale. Students may use this to practice writing of any kind!
Whale Template Printable Medium
This set of medium sized whales includes one lined paper whale and one blank paper whale. Teachers! Have children write a short story about their their small whale on the lined paper.
Whale Template Printable Small
Here are some small lined paper whales for children to write little notes on. These whales can also be used as cute flashcards for children to practice word recognition.
Killer Whale Template
This is a large killer whale printable. Teachers! You can use this killer whale as a visual aid for students when teaching them about the killer whale.
Orca Whale Template
Here is an orca whale, also known as the killer whale. This printable whale is in black and white and can be used as a coloring activity while students are learning about the orca.
Sperm Whale Template
Here is a sperm whale coloring page template for students. The sperm whale can be distinguished by its enormous, block shaped head.
Sperm Whale Templates
For a fun learning activity have children learn about the different kinds of whale species by having students point them out. This visual recognition will help grow memorization of ocean life!
Printable Whale Template Outline
Finally this free pack of whales offers a blank outline of a whale. Students can draw on their own features of the whale to make it unique and realistic!
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