FREE printable Earth Templates for children! These earth template printables are a great Earth Day craft for students to complete. Children will practice coloring, cutting, and pasting with each of the planet Earth templates. The Earth coloring printables will also help students with building their writing skills. For more Earth activities try our Creation Bible Activity Pack today!
Printable Earth Template
The free Earth template pdfs can be laminated to make each craft longer. Teachers just need to laminate each paper after your students color the planet. After being laminated children can cut out each piece. For more free Earth projects take a look at our Layers of the Earth Project.
Earth Template Printable Large
Here is a more detailed large printable Earth template. It shows parts of North America, South America, and Africa.
Earth Template Printable Medium
This is a set of three medium detailed blank Earth templates for students to color in. Educate students on the parts of the Earth they are coloring in.
Earth Template Printable Small
This is a set of tiny blank Earth printables for children to use. The simple Earth templates make learning easy and fun for all ages!
Template of the Earth
The Earth coloring template shows students the formation of the Earth. Teach your students Earth facts when they are completing this free printable earth craft. There are a variety of Earth template printables for children of all ages to complete. Pair this resource with our free Creation Coloring Pages for even more fun!
Earth Template Printable Color Large
Here is an already-colored large Earth template. The water is already colored in bright blue and the land is colored in bright green.
Earth Template Printable Color Medium
This Earth craft template can be used to decorate the classroom and home during Earth Day. The Earth cut-out templates will help Children practice fine motor skills like cutting.
Earth Template Printable Color Small
Here is a set of small colorful Earths for students. These small Earth templates can be used to create a fun decoration. Have students hole punch through each of the Earths and then thread a string through all of the Earths.
Earth Day Template
Planet Earth templates are a great Earth day craft for students to complete when learning how to better care for the planet they call home. These free Earth templates include writing prompts for your children to use. They can fill out new ideas for how to care for the Earth. For more free Earth Day templates try out our Layers of the Earth Worksheets.
Paper Earth Craft Template
This is an adorable cartoon Earth coloring page for students. It also includes the spelling of the word “EARTH”” in bubble letters for children to color.
Cut and Paste Earth Template
This is a fun cut-and-paste activity for students to practice their location, cutting, and pasting skills. Children will color their Earth and then cut out the continents and paste them in the correct spot.
3D Earth Craft Template
Here is a printable 3D Earth craft for students to cut out and assemble. After coloring and cutting out the three individual pieces children will fold and assemble by following directions.
Earth Coloring Template With Moon
This is a black-and-white coloring page for students to complete. This printable includes the planet Earth, stars and moon.
Earth Coloring Template With Sun
Here is a coloring page of the Earth, stars, and Sun. Teach students about the universe that God has created for them to live in with these coloring pages.
Earth Coloring Template
Here is a printable following directions activity for your children to color and cut out. They can use these pieces to turn the plain Earth printables into adorable cartoons.
Writing Templates for Kids
Your students will love all of the writing prompts about the earth with these drawing and writing lines included in each type of writing template.
Earth Day Writing Template
This is a printable writing worksheet with a writing prompt reading “I can love my planet by…”. This will help students write out what they can do to better love the planet they live on.
Earth Day Writing Template
Here is a printable writing worksheet with a writing prompt reading “I can help the planet…”. This will help students write out what they can do to better help the planet they live on.
Earth Day Writing Template
Here is a printable writing worksheet with a writing prompt reading “I can care for the Earth by…”. This will help students write out what they can do to better help the planet they live on.
Basic Earth Template
Grab these basic earth templates that are perfect as coloring pages, cut outs, and crafts for preschoolers!
Earth Outline Template Large
Here is a simple blank outline of the planet Earth for preschool students to color in. This large Earth template is easy for young students to complete.
Earth Outline Template Medium
Here is a set of three medium basic Earth templates for children to use in the classroom or at home. Children can also practice cutting skills when cutting out each of the medium-sized Earths.
Earth Outline Template Small
Here is a set of six basic Earth templates for children to use for cutting, coloring, and pasting. Children can also practice fine motor skills when cutting out each of the small-sized Earths.
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