FREE Ice Cream Templates for children! Our ice cream cone template printables include a variety of different ice cream themed activities. These ice cream crafts will help students with cutting, pasting, and counting. The printable ice cream cone templates are a fun craft for young elementary students to complete. For more printable activities, take a look at our Scissor Skills Bundle and our Following Directions: Listening Skills Bundle.
Template for Ice Cream Cone
These printable ice cream cone templates make great summer crafts for children! Each ice cream template has a different shaping for the ice cream themed printable. Students will cut out parts of the ice cream cone and practice pasting them back together.
Free Ice Cream Cone Template
Free printable Ice Cream Cone Template featuring a sugar cone with a big scoop of ice cream on top. This template includes sprinkles and a cherry on top for your student to decorate.
Simple Ice Cream Cone Outline Template
Here is a basic outline of an ice cream cone you can print, cut, and color in. Students can add their own toppings and draw in a cherry.
Free Printable Ice Cream Cone Template
This ice cream craft is the perfect addition to an end of the year ice cream party! Get your students excited about summer learning!
Ice Cream Cone Template Free
Here is a set of 8 cake and waffle cones for children to add their own unique ice cream scoops to. This set utilizes the whole page of paper, offering a cone for up to 8 students.
Free Ice Cream Scoops Template
Here is a set of 8 cake and waffle cones for children to add their own unique ice cream scoops to. This set utilizes the whole page of paper, offering a cone for up to 8 students.
Printable Ice Cream Cone Template
Also provided is a cute little ice cream character for students to complete. Children will follow the directions provided in the bottom left corner of the craft.
Preschool Ice Cream Cone Template
Here is another following directions ice cream cone craft template for students to color, cut out, and assemble. This craft will help students practice their listening skills as well as their reading skills.
Ice Cream Cone Template Printable
Here is a simple geometric ice cream cone outline for your students to color, cut out, and assemble. This geometric ice cream cone will help children recognize shapes in real life objects.
Template of Ice Cream Cone
Teachers! We have made some of our ice cream outlines blank, this way students can create their own ice cream flavors! After students create and color their own ice cream flavors have them practice their creativity and writing skills by labeling each scoop. Anchor text to Related Internal Content.
Color The Ice Cream Cone Template
This ice cream cone craft includes six scoops, a cone, and a cherry for the top! Also included is a small referencing diagram in the bottom left corner.
Blank Ice Cream Cone Template
Look at these adorable mini ice cream cones! Children will have a great time coloring each baby ice cream with its own flavor.
Large Ice Cream Scoops Template
Extra large, delicious, creamy, melty ice cream scoops your students can color, cut out, and assemble to make an amazing ice cream cone.
Large Ice Cream Cone Template
Extra large ice cream cone templates you can print and use for bulletin boards, arts and crafts, or even a fun party banner. Turn these into a fun art project and make rainbow cones with each square a different color!
Printable Cut Out Ice Cream Cone Template
This is a 3D ice cream cone template! This craft will help teach students 3D shapes as well as spatial awareness of 3D objects. Children will color the individual pieces before cutting, rolling, and pasting.
Blank Ice Cream Template
Free printable outline of a single scoop of icecream on top of a sugar cone. This is complete blank for students to design the entire interior with their favorite flavors and toppings.
Free Large Ice Cream Cone Template
Students can easily color in these ice cream cones in the car! This craft will help keep students busy and engaged in some fun summer learning!
Template Ice Cream Cone
Included in this ice cream cone and scoop template are following directions activities. Students will practice reading skills when following instructions for how to assemble the cute ice cream cone cartoon. Children can use these ice creams to decorate cards, their classroom, or room for summer. Anchor text to Related Internal Content.
Ice Cream Cone Scoops PDF
Here is a fun counting exercise for your younger elementary students! Teaching students the order of numbers can be hard but our numbered scoops make counting engaging and memorable.
Ice Cream Cone Template Free Printable
For a different and fun way to use this craft students will need colorful chalk. Children can place the paper cone out on the sidewalk and then draw their ice cream scoops as tall as the want “on top” of their paper cone.
Free Large Ice Cream Cone Template
This last ice cream cone cut out includes two smooshed scoops for students to place first on the cone. This ice cream craft can be completed individually or turned into a group activity. Going on a summer road trip? This adorable ice cream cone print outs are going to be a great addition to the car ride!
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