Free printable paper snowflake templates for kids to cut out! We’ve got a great set of fun and free snowflake cutting guides for your students to practice cutting out simple to intricate paper snowflake patterns. If you’re not sure how to fold an easy paper snowflake, scroll below the printable paper snowflake template to find our easy step-by-step photo instructions. Once you learn how to fold and cut a paper snowflake the design possibilities are endless.
Paper Snowflake Cut Out Templates
Paper Snowflake Template
Free printable paper snowflake template to download and print. Easy cut out patterns for kids to practice cutting their own snowflake. Follow the folding guide then cut out the grey areas. Once unfolded, a beautiful winter snowflake will be revealed. Check out this page if you’re wanting basic snowflake templates and outlines.
Printable Paper Snowflake Template
Free PDF paper snowflake template for kids to cut out! This easy pattern snowflake features six simple steps for folding and cutting to create a beautiful six-sided snowflake. Follow the simple folding and cutting instructions provided and students will have a delicate design when complete.
Snowflake Cut Out Pattern Template
Simple, downloadable snowflake cut out pattern for students to recreate this easy paper snowflake. Students first need to cut out the surrounding square, then fold along the grey lines. Next, instruct students to cut out the grey areas. Once unfolded they’ll have a pretty paper snowflakeTeach students that while snowflakes are amazing and intricate, they are also easy to recreate with our DIY Snowflake templates.
Free Printable Paper Snowflakes
Once you get the hang of our paper snowflakes, you’ll be surprised at how easy and fun this activity can be. Students will start making their own designs, and you should let their creativity lead them. You might even consider providing them with thin coffee filters to replicate the folding pattern with a rounded edge. Also, print a few snowflake coloring pages for inspiration.
Paper Snowflake Template: Star Pattern
Star patterns are easy and fun to create with paper scnowflakes. This six-sided snowflake template creates a spiky, geometric design with a hole in the center. Snowflake cutting patterns don’t need to be difficult. With three easy cuts your kids can create this fun and festive flurry.
Free Printable Paper Snowflake
Download this free snowflake design that will create a super skinny paper snowflake. This delicate pattern is a bit more difficult to cut as it requires a steady hand. Younger students are sure to be challened with this design that will require grip strength and fine motor skill development.
Printable Snowflake Patterns
These paper snowflakes include fun thematic designs and surprise pictures! Students make a few simple cuts to reveals hearts, stars, and even Christmas trees!
Paper Snowflake Template Heart Pattern
Share the LOVE with this heart themed paper pattern. Another simple and easy DIY design to cut out that leaves a lasting impression. Encourage students to gift this snowflake to their friends and family for Valentine’s Day.
Paper Snowflake Template: Christmas Tree
Once students have a handle on how to hold the paper as they cut out the grey sections, why not try this more difficult design. The result of their hard work will be a beautiful snowflake filled with Christmas Trees. Many families and friends will enjoy seeing these amazing paper snowflakes the kids get to create in the classroom!
Paper Snowflake Template Rounded
Try this rounded design that will help your students build their scissor skills! Controling the start and stop of the scissor while turning the paper to create a curved edge is an important skill for students of all ages. Once complete, this rounded cut out design will result in a dainty, lacy, paper snowflake.
Cut Out Paper Snowflake Template
Download, print, and cut out this paper template to create a pretty star flower design. Cut on the solid grey lines, and fold on the dotted/dashed gre lines. Then, carefully cut out the grey areas. Very slowly unfold the paper, taking care not to pull too hard or it might rip.
Simple Snowflake Patterns to Cut Out
Teach kids how to make a snowflake with our DIY Snowflake Templates! Kids will have a blast creating their own designs once they understand the folding pattern. This simple pattern requires a few straight edge snipps yet creates a beautiful result.
Printable Snowflake Designs
Snowflake Patterns Printables
Snowflakes are easy to create with our step-by-step instructions on all of our free snowflake worksheets! This simple paper snoflake creates a 12 sided snowflake with a few easy cutes.
Snowflake Pattern Templae
Have a ton of fun with your students creating and cutting snowflake patterns they can hang up as a keepsake! This printable cutting template results in a delicate snowflake that looks like small bits of snow have collected on the ends.
How to Make Paper Snowflakes
Any teacher or student can easily make their own unique snowflakes after following these step-by-step guidelines. And, the best part, in an instant download, all 12 snowflake patterns are free! Below you’ll find simple photo instructions on how to fold, cut, and asssemle your paper snowflakes. Print our free paper snowflake templates above, or use your own paper and designs.
Let’s get started with our Paper Snowflake Crafts! Here are the instructions on how to cut out the snowflake with step by step instructions:
- Print as many templates as needed. Gather your supplies including our printable paper snowflake template, and scissors. If you want to color in your snowflake grab some colored pencils, watercolor paint, or other medium.
2. Cut out snowflake square.
3. Fold on the gray lines as show in step by step images.
4. Continue to fold on the gray dotted lines as show in the diagram.
5. Fold again in half at the mid dotted line.
6. Time to flip the fold back like a bird as show in image.
5. Fold left side back behind with snowflake white pattern in front.
6. Cut away gray areas so only the white pattern is left. See image below as well to get a full view of how to cut away the edges of the snowflake.
7. Once you’ve cut away the gray areas, you should discover what kind of looks like a white bird flying the sky! All that’s left is now your folded snowflake, ready for the unveiling!
Very cool, huh?!!!
While we provide 12 unique designs for our printable paper snowflakes, you really don’t need to follow our cutting guides. All you need is a basic square piece of paper to fold and cut! Here are some helpful tips:
- Use Thin Paper. Normally, for a great deal of our printables we recommend printing on cardstock for durability. However, with paper snowflakes, you will be folding and refolding, creating a thick stack of paper to cut through. This can be difficult if you are using heavy-weight paper. Therefore, we recommend using thin paper for your snowflakes. You could even try paper bag snowflakes.
- Use alternative Shapes. Don’t stick to squares just because we did! Try folding a rounded circle into a snowflake….or better yet, use a thin round coffee filter and make coffee filter snowflakes. You could even use watercolor paint droplets to color your snowflakes.
Fun Snowflake Facts
But, before we get into all of these fun paper snowflake patterns, let’s talk a little about why snowflakes are so fascinating for all ages. How about some fun facts about snowflakes before we get started?!! Did you know…
- Snowflakes always have six sides and are similar to the human fingerprint
- It’s been recorded that no 2 snowflakes are exactly the same.
- Snowflakes start as tiny ice crystals but then form from water vapor that freezes in the atmosphere.
- The most fun activity in the snow that kids like to do is building a snowman!
- Snow is not actually white but clear because of how the light is reflecting off of the ice crystals.
- When the weatherman predicts a blizzard is coming, people buy more cakes, candy, and cookies than any other food. Yum!
Looking for more free snowflake templates and resources? Check out these fun snow crafts below:
Comments (6)
I love your projects and curriculum. Keep up the good work for those of us who have very little creativity.
Thank YOU thank you snow much har har har
Trying to make our house look like Buddy the Elf decorated… Thanks so much!
I just tried this during my planning time. Some of these are inverted, where the gray part is the final snowflake.
Hi Genevieve,
Thank you for letting us know! It does look like some were reveresed. We’ve updated the paper snowflake templates, see if you can refresh the page and redownload 🙂 Thanks!
Thank you so much for providing these snowflake templates for free! I will use them in my religious ed class for a class on how everyone is different…but, basically the same !