Free Skip Counting Worksheets are perfect for second, third, and fourth-grade students who are struggling with multiplication. These hands-on math activities will help them learn and practice skip counting, which is a fundamental skill for multiplication. Our number sequence activities give students plenty of practice in skip counting and multiplication while playing games and having fun! Download the entire Skip Counting Worksheet set in one click by visiting or TpT store.
Superstar Skip Counting
⭐ Over 100 Pages of Skip Counting
⭐ Covers The Numbers 2-15
⭐ Hands-On, Low-Prep!
Free Skip Counting Worksheets
Our printable skip counting worksheets are a great way to teach your students about patterns and sequences in numbers. These worksheets are perfect for younger students who are just learning about multiplication, as well as older students who need to brush up on their skills. Our hands-on activities, charts, and games are sure to help your students improve their multiplication skills. Add an additional layer of fun with our Multiplication BINGO printable set.
Skip Counting
The importance of patterns and sequences in numbers cannot be understated. They provide the foundation for many portant mathematical concepts. So, how can we best teach sequencing also known as skip counting? There are a number of ways to approach skip counting/sequencing. One is to use visual aids such as charts and graphs. This can help students see the relationships between numbers and understand how they work together. Another approach is to use manipulative objects such as blocks or counting beads. This helps students physically manipulate the numbers and gain a deeper understanding of them. With a little patience and effort, you can help your students develop a strong understanding of skip counting using these highly engaging worksheets. Once your students have mastered skip counting, make sure to provide them with even more learning opportunities with our Multiplication Worksheets.
Skip Counting by 2
The following resources will help you teach skip counting by 2s. These worksheets and activities are free and engaging, making them perfect for use in the classroom or at home.
Skip Count by 2 Chart
The skip count by 2s chart is a great tool for kids to learn their numbers. This chart can help them understand place value and expand their number sense.
Skip Counting 2 Worksheet
This skipping by 2s worksheet includes a variety of problems for your child to solve, and it will help them practice their skip counting by 2s.
Counting by 2 Printables
This activity page is all about skip counting by 2s. Snails make a great way to learn this concept. They help kids see the pattern in the numbers and understand how to count by 2s.
x2 Skip Counting Activity Maze
This maze is designed to help children practice skip counting by 2s. It’s a great way for them to learn and have fun at the same time. Thanks for choosing this maze. Your students are sure to be engaged in this maze!
Skip Counting x2 Word Problems
These free skip-counting by 2s word problems are a great way to practice skip counting. Word problems give students a higher level math and reading skill to work through while practicing their skip counting.
x2 Skip Counting Speed Drills
Speed drills for skip counting by 2 were created to help students improve their math fact and number pattern fluency. These drills can be used with grades as. young as 2nd and as old as 6th or in a homeschool setting.
Skip Counting Missing Number x2
Free printable skip counting by twos activity page features a variety of starting points to get students thinking out of the box. Instead of counting 2, 4, 6, 8… students will need to count up from numbers like 16, 80, or 36.
Skip Counting Number Line by 2s
Skip counting on number lines gives students a great visual reference to see where each 2 is located in reference to the other numbers around it. Your students will love learning about skip counting and multiplication with this worksheet.
Skip Counting by Three
Free skip counting by three resources will help you teach skip counting and multiplication to your elementary students. With a variety of engaging printable activity pages, there is something for every skill level, grade level, and learning style!
Skip Count by 3 Chart
The skip count by 3s chart is the perfect teaching tool for kids to learn their skip-counting numbers. This chart can help them understand place value, multiplication, and expand their number sense.
Skip Counting 3 Worksheet
This skipping by 3s worksheet includes a variety of problems for your child to solve, and it will help them practice their skip counting by threes.
Counting by Three Printables
Our free activity page makes skip-counting by three fun and easy! Snails make an entertaining way to practice counting 3, 6, 9, 12… They help kids see patterns in numbers and understand how to count and multiply by threes.
xThree Skip Counting Activity Maze
This maze is designed to help children practice skip counting by 3s. It’s a great way for them to learn and have fun at the same time. Your students are sure to be engaged in this threes maze!
Skip Counting x3 Word Problems
Free skip-counting by threes word problems are a great way to practice skip-counting and multiplication. Word problems will promote higher-level thinking and problem-solving strategies in young students.
x3 Skip Counting Speed Drills
This speed drill page for skip counting by three was created to help students improve their math fact and number pattern fluency. Using these timed drills will help students to become automatic when completing multiplication.
Skip Counting Missing Number xThree
Our free printable skip counting by 3s activity page features a variety of starting points to get students thinking out of the box. Instead of always skip-counting starting at the number 3, students will to learn how to skip-count by three up from other numbers like 12, 27, or 57.
Skip Counting Number Line by 3s
Skip counting by threes can be a difficult concept. Using a number line gives students a great visual reference to see where each of the threes is located in reference to the other numbers around it. Your students will love practicing their skip counting with this worksheet. YOU are going to love how it promotes solid multiplication skills!
Skip Counting by 4
Looking for some fun and engaging ways to introduce multiplication? Maybe you’re practicing number patterns in your classroom. Well, we have some amazing, interactive printable worksheets for you to include in your next lesson. You’re going to love the skills covered and the fun activities your students will be begging to do, but you’re going to love that they are FREE the most!
Skip Count by Four Chart
Placing charts in your classroom or giving them to students to use during independent practice time will make a huge difference in building confidence. This bright colored poster chart is perfect for introductory multiplication or skip counting/sequencing practice!
Skip Counting 4s Worksheet
Skip count by four with our fill-in-the-blank skip-counting worksheet. This worksheet also provides a ton of early multiplication introduction practice. This worksheet pairs perfectly with our skip count-by-four chart.
Counting by 4 Printables
Do your students love snails? These cuties are sure to get them excited about math! Use this speedy snail skip counting activity in your next math lesson to up your students’ skip counting games!
x4 Skip Counting Activity Maze
Is this a fun maze or an interactive learning adventure? It won’t matter to your students when they are engrossed in this free printable worksheet featuring skip counting by fours. This worksheet is no-prep.
Skip Counting x4 Word Problems
Word problems tend to be tricky for students. That is why we added them to this engaging skip-counting/early multiplication set. Practicing word problems provides students with time to persevere and grow in math.
xFour Skip Counting Speed Drills
Want your students to practice multiplication, pattern/sequencing, and skip-counting strategies? Look no further, this worksheet provides everything you need to help your student(s) be successful in math!
Skip Counting Missing Number x4
Check it out! Our skip counting worksheets x4 provide a variety of starting points for students to learn how to count by fours. This strategy helps students to problem-solve instead of just memorizing a sequence. It’s going to be so fun to watch your students grow through the use of this worksheet!
Skip Counting Number Line by 4s
Let’s use a number line to practice counting up by fours. This worksheet gives students a variety of starting places which adds an extra level of thinking and problem-solving. Your students are going to love completing this fun printable PDF worksheet!
Skip Counting by Fives
Skip count or learn the multiples of fives quickly and easily with very little teacher prep! These engaging and thought-provoking worksheets will provide your students with a variety of skip-counting activities. Skip counting is a vital skill to learn before learning multiplication facts! Practice with these fun Tally Mark activities. Fives are always a classroom favorite! Let us help you provide quality instruction through engaging games, printable worksheets, and classroom learning charts!
Skip Count by Fives Chart
The skip count by 5s chart is a great tool for kids to learn their numbers. This chart can help them understand place value and expand their number sense.
Skip Counting 5s Worksheet
Learn number sense and counting patterns with this engaging skip count-by-five printable worksheet. This PDF is no prep and is easy to download!
Counting by 5s Printables
Do your students love snails? These cuties are sure to get them excited about math! Use this speedy snail skip counting activity in your next math lesson to up your students’ skip counting games!
x5 Skip Counting Activity Maze
Is this a fun maze or an interactive learning adventure? It won’t matter to your students when they are engrossed in this free printable worksheet featuring skip counting by fives. This worksheet is no-prep.
Skip Counting x5 Word Problems
Word problems tend to be tricky for students. That is why we added them to this engaging skip-counting/early multiplication set. Practicing word problems provides students with time to persevere and grow in math.
xFives Skip Counting Speed Drills
Want your students to practice multiplication, pattern/sequencing, and skip-counting strategies? Look no further, this worksheet provides everything you need to help your student(s) be successful in math!
Skip Counting Missing Number x5
Check it out! Our skip counting worksheets x5 provide a variety of starting points for students to learn how to count by fours. This strategy helps students to problem-solve instead of just memorizing a sequence. It’s going to be so fun to watch your students grow through the use of this worksheet!
Skip Counting Number Line by 5s
Let’s use a number line to practice counting up by fives. This worksheet gives students a variety of starting places which adds an extra level of thinking and problem-solving. Your students are going to love completing this fun printable PDF worksheet!
Skip Counting by 6
Improve your students’ abilities to count by multiples of six. This is an important and necessary skill when beginning multiplication studies as well. The following resources are an engaging and unique way to practice skip-counting and early multiplication skills in a fun way!
Skip Count by Six Chart
Here’s the perfect printable chart for your classroom! Your students will enjoy counting by sixes or multiplying by six when this poster is hung in your classroom! Check it out today!
Skip Counting 6s Worksheet
Can you fill in this chart? Students will love to review multiples of six with this skip-counting chart. They can fill it out and use it as a helper at home or in the classroom. It is completely free and ready to download!
Counting by 6s Printables
Snail skip counting promotes speed and accuracy when it comes to counting by multiples of six. This is a great introduction activity to multiplication or the perfect review activity for skip counting by six.
x6 Skip Counting Activity Maze
Here’s an interactive way to promote skip counting by sixes. This maze will have your students problem solving, counting, and practicing number patterns.
Skip Counting x6 Word Problems
Improve number sense and problem-solving skills with our skip count x6 word problem printable worksheet. This worksheet is perfect for 2nd through 4th grades.
xSix Skip Counting Speed Drills
Build your students’ number sense and fact fluency with our speed drills. Practice the multiples of six with this free, printable worksheet page. Your students will LOVE it!
Skip Counting Missing Number x6
Skip count by six with our missing number worksheet. This free printable gives students a variety of starting points to begin counting by multiples of six.
Skip Counting Number Line by Sixes
Number lines are a fun and visual way to explain skip counting and multiples to your students! This no-prep printable PDF will promote counting by sixes using a variety of skill levels.
Skip Counting by Seven
Improve your students’ abilities to count by multiples of six. This is an important and necessary skill when beginning multiplication studies as well. The following resources are an engaging and unique way to practice skip-counting and early multiplication skills in a fun way!
Skip Count by Seven Chart
Introduce your multiplication by 7s unit with this wonderful chart. This sevens skip-counting printable is easy to use and a great tool for students to use during math!
Skip Counting Sevens Worksheet
Complete the chart above by skip counting (or counting the multiples) of seven. This printable chart is made for students to practice writing the multiples of 7.
Counting by 7s Printables
Here’s an adorable printable worksheet featuring the cutest skip-counting snails. This page is meant to promote fluency and accuracy while skip-counting 7s.
x7 Skip Counting Activity Maze
An interactive maze like the one on this printable PDF will excite learners of all ages. Students will follow the multiples of seven to find their way to the end of the maze (page).
Skip Counting x7 Word Problems
Improve your students’ problem solving strategies and skip counting by sevens with these engaging word problems. These would be great problems to practice the 7s multiplication facts.
x7 Skip Counting Speed Drills
Speed drills promote number sense and fluency in fact recognition. Your students are sure to improve their rate of speed when multiplying or skip-counting by 7 after using this worksheet.
Skip Counting Missing Number x7
Skip count by seven with our missing number worksheet. This free printable gives students a variety of starting points to begin counting by multiples of seven.
Skip Counting Number Line by Seven
Number lines are a fun and visual way to explain skip counting and multiples to your students! This no-prep printable PDF will promote counting by sevens using a variety of skill levels.
Skip Counting by 8
The following resources will help you teach your students how to skip count by eight. These interactive worksheets, charts, and activities make wonderful x8 multiplication practice. They are free and simple to use; download them today!
Skip Count by Eight Chart
Introduce your multiplication by 8s unit with this wonderful chart. This sevens skip-counting printable is easy to use and a great tool for students to use during math!
Skip Counting by Eight Worksheet
Complete the chart above by skip counting (or counting the multiples) of eight. This printable chart is made for students to practice writing the multiples of 8.
Counting by 8s Printables
Here’s an adorable printable worksheet featuring the cutest skip-counting snails. This page is meant to promote fluency and accuracy while skip-counting 8s.
x8 Skip Counting Activity Maze
An interactive maze like the one on this printable PDF will excite learners of all ages. Students will follow the multiples of eight to find their way to the end of the maze (page).
Skip Counting x8 Word Problems
Improve your students’ problem-solving strategies and skip counting by sevens with these engaging word problems. These would be great problems to practice the 8 multiplication facts.
x8 Skip Counting Speed Drills
Speed drills promote number sense and fluency in fact recognition. Your students are sure to improve their rate of speed when multiplying or skip-counting by 8 after using this worksheet.
Skip Counting Missing Number x8
Skip count by 8 with our missing number worksheet. This free printable gives students a variety of starting points to begin counting by multiples of eight.
Skip Counting Number Line by Eight
Number lines are a fun and visual way to explain skip counting and multiples to your students! This no-prep printable PDF will promote counting by 8s using a variety of skill levels.
Skip Counting by 9
The following resources will help you teach skip counting by 9s. These worksheets and activities are free and engaging, making them perfect for use in the classroom or at home.
Skip Count by 9 Chart
The skip count by 9s chart is a great tool for kids to learn their numbers. This chart can help them understand place value and expand their number sense.
Skip Counting 9 Worksheet
This skipping by 9s worksheet includes a variety of problems for your child to solve, and it will help them practice their skip counting by 9s.
Counting by 9 Printables
This activity page is all about skip counting by 9s. Snails make a great way to learn this concept. They help kids see the pattern in the numbers and understand how to count by 9s.
x9 Skip Counting Activity Maze
This maze is designed to help children practice skip counting by 9s. It’s a great way for them to learn and have fun at the same time. Thanks for choosing this maze. Your students are sure to be engaged in this maze!
Skip Counting x9 Word Problems
These free skip-counting by 9s word problems are a great way to practice skip counting. Word problems give students a higher level of math and reading skill to work through while practicing their skip counting.
x9 Skip Counting Speed Drills
Speed drills for skip counting by 9 were created to help students improve their math fact and number pattern fluency. These drills can be used with grades as. young as 2nd and as old as 6th or in a homeschool setting.
Skip Counting Missing Number x9
This free printable skip counting by nines activity page features a variety of starting points to get students thinking out of the box. Instead of counting 9, 18, 27… students will need to count up from numbers like 18, 27, or 9.
Skip Counting Number Line by 9s
Skip counting on number lines gives students a great visual reference to see where each 2 is located in reference to the other numbers around it. Your students will love learning about skip counting and multiplication with this worksheet.
Skip Counting by Ten
Free skip counting by three resources will help you teach skip counting and multiplication to your elementary students. With a variety of engaging printable activity pages, there is something for every skill level, grade level, and learning style!
Skip Count by 10 Chart
The skip count by 10s chart is the perfect teaching tool for kids to learn their skip-counting numbers. This chart can help them understand place value and multiplication, and expand their number sense.
Skip Counting 10 Worksheet
This skipping by 3s worksheet includes a variety of problems for your child to solve, and it will help them practice their skip counting by threes.
Counting by Ten Printables
Our free activity page makes skip-counting by three fun and easy! Snails make an entertaining way to practice counting 3, 6, 9, 12… They help kids see patterns in numbers and understand how to count and multiply by threes.
xTen Skip Counting Activity Maze
This maze is designed to help children practice skip counting by 10s. It’s a great way for them to learn and have fun at the same time. Your students are sure to be engaged in this tens maze!
Skip Counting x10 Word Problems
Free skip-counting by tens word problems are a great way to practice skip-counting and multiplication. Word problems will promote higher-level thinking and problem-solving strategies in young students.
x10 Skip Counting Speed Drills
This speed drill page for skip counting by three was created to help students improve their math fact and number pattern fluency. Using these timed drills will help students to become automatic when completing multiplication.
Skip Counting Missing Numbers by Ten
Our free printable skip counting by 10s activity page features a variety of starting points to get students thinking out of the box. Instead of always skip-counting starting at the number 10, students will learn how to skip-count by ten from other numbers like 20.
Skip Counting Number Line by 10s
Skip counting by tens can be a difficult concept. Using a number line gives students a great visual reference to see where each of the ten is located in reference to the other numbers around it. Your students will love practicing their skip counting with this worksheet. YOU are going to love how it promotes solid multiplication skills!
Skip Counting by 11
These resources contain a variety of printable worksheets, charts, and activity pages to help prepare your elementary students for multiplication practice through skip counting. These activities are hands-on and super engaging for learners of all skill levels and abilities.
Skip Count by 11 Chart
This x11 skip counting chart is perfect for a classroom or homeschool setting. Grab your students’ attention with this beautifully curated chart.
Skip Counting 11 Worksheet
Students will complete this worksheet when skip counting by eleven. This worksheet pairs perfectly with our skip count by 11 chart.
Counting by Eleven Printables
Free and engaging speedy snail skip counting activities provide students with a visual representation of counting by elevens.
xEleven Skip Counting Activity Maze
Complete this maze activity page when following the 11s skip counting pattern. This worksheet gives students number sense and patter practice.
Skip Counting x11 Word Problems
Printable word problems for elementary students. These word problems provide tons of skip-counting opportunities for the number 11. Your students will love them1
x11 Skip Counting Speed Drills
Practice counting by eleven with speed AND accuracy with this engaging skip-counting speed drill printable worksheet. It will help your students become fluent mathematicians.
Skip Counting Missing Numbers by Eleven
Free, printable missing numbers worksheet will help students count by eleven from 11 and 22. This helps students develop patterns, problem-solving skills, and number sense!
Skip Counting Number Line by 11s
Skip counting using a number line with this engaging worksheet. It is free to use and easy to download! Students will fill in the missing numbers while skip-counting (or multiplying) by 11!
Skip Counting by 12
Check out these awesome resources for teaching multiples, or skip counting, by twelve. With eight different activities and worksheet pages to choose from, there is something for every grade level and skill ability. The chart can be printed and hung up in your classroom or homeschool setting for continued practice too!
Skip Count by 12 Chart
Print this skip counting by 12 chart in color and hang it in your classroom as a learning tool for students. This chart promotes skip counting by 12.
Skip Counting 12 Worksheet
Using our skip count by 12 chart, can your students locate and complete this skip counting by 12 worksheet? They are sure to love it!
Counting by Twelve Printables
Use these adorable snails as a visual for skip-counting by twelve. Students will fill in each section of the shell with the next multiple of 12.
xTwelve Skip Counting Activity Maze
Looking for an activity that feels like a game but teaches important skills? Look no further! This maze will have students thinking they are playing games while doing their math!
Skip Counting x12 Word Problems
Free word problems worksheets for elementary students. Your students will be able to count by 12 after completing the word problems listed on this worksheet!
x12 Skip Counting Speed Drills
Speed and accuracy will be accomplished when using this x12-speed drill page. Students will have LOTS of practice skip-counting by twelves with this interactive printable worksheet.
Skip Counting Missing Numbers by Twelve
Looking for a visual to help with skip counting by 12 from different numbers? Check out this engaging worksheet!
Skip Counting Number Line by 12s
Skip count by 12 with this number line printable worksheet. Students will fill in the missing 12s on this interactive page!
Skip Counting by Thirteen
Looking for some fun and engaging ways to practice skip counting or maybe to introduce multiplication? Well, we have some amazing, interactive printable worksheets and charts for you to include in your next unit. You’re going to love the skills covered and the fun activities your students will complete on these FREE printables!
Skip Count by Thirteen Chart
Placing charts in your classroom or giving them to students to use during independent practice time will make a huge difference in building confidence. This chart is perfect for introductory multiplication or skip-counting practice.
Skip Counting 13 Worksheet
Skip count by 13 with our fill-in-the-blank skip-counting worksheet. This worksheet also provides a ton of early multiplication introduction practice. This worksheet pairs perfectly with our skip count-by-13 chart.
Counting by 13 Printables
Do your students love snails? These cuties are sure to get them excited about math! Use this speedy snail skip counting activity in your next math lesson to up your students’ skip counting games!
x13 Skip Counting Activity Maze
Is this a fun maze or an interactive learning adventure? It won’t matter to your students when they are engrossed in this free printable worksheet featuring skip counting by 13. This worksheet is no-prep.
Skip Counting x13 Word Problems
Word problems tend to be tricky for students. That is why we added them to this engaging skip-counting/early multiplication set. Practicing word problems provides students with time to persevere and grow in math.
xThirteen Skip Counting Speed Drills
Want your students to practice multiplication, patterns/sequencing, and skip-counting strategies? Look no further, this worksheet provides everything you need to help your student(s) be successful in math!
Skip Counting Missing Number x13
Check it out! Our skip counting worksheets x13 provide a variety of starting points for students to learn how to skip count. This strategy helps students to problem-solve instead of just memorizing a sequence.
Skip Counting Number Line by 13s
Let’s use a number line to practice counting up by thirteen. This worksheet gives students a variety of starting places which adds an extra level of thinking and problem-solving. Your students are going to love completing this fun printable PDF worksheet!
Skip Counting by 14
Free skip counting by fourteen resources will help you teach skip counting and multiplication to your elementary students. With a variety of engaging printable activity pages, worksheets, and charts there is something for every skill level, grade level, and learning style!
Skip Count by 14 Chart
The skip count by 14s chart is the perfect teaching tool for kids to learn their skip-counting numbers. This chart can help them understand place value, and multiplication while expanding their number sense.
Skip Counting 14 Worksheet
This skipping by fourteens worksheet includes a variety of problems for your child to solve, and it will help them practice their skip counting skills and also help them to improve and learn new problem solving strategies.
Counting by Fourteen Printables
Our free activity page makes skip-counting by 14 fun and easy! Snails make an entertaining way to practice counting. They help kids see patterns in numbers and understand how to count and multiply by 14.
xFourteen Skip Counting Activity Maze
This maze is designed to help children practice skip counting by 14s. It’s a great way for them to learn and have fun at the same time. Your students are sure to be engaged in this 14s maze!
Skip Counting x14 Word Problems
Free skip-counting by 14s word problems are a great way to practice skip-counting and multiplication. Word problems will promote higher-level thinking and problem-solving strategies in young students.
x14 Skip Counting Speed Drills
This speed drill page for skip counting by 14 was created to help students improve their math fact and number pattern fluency. Using these timed drills will help students to become automatic when completing multiplication.
Skip Counting Missing Number x14
Our free printable skip counting by fourteen activity page features a variety of starting points to get students thinking out of the box. This worksheet gives students a visual representation of counting (or multiplying) by 14 – a difficult concept for early learners.
Skip Counting Number Line by 14s
Skip counting by 14 can be a difficult concept. Using a number line gives students a great visual reference to see where each of the 14s are located in reference to the other numbers around it. Your students will love practicing their skip counting with this worksheet. YOU are going to love how it promotes solid multiplication skills!
Skip Counting by Fifteen
Improve your students’ abilities to count by multiples of 15. This is an important and necessary skill when beginning multiplication studies. The following resources are an engaging and unique way to practice skip-counting and early multiplication skills in a fun way!
Skip Count by Fifteen Chart
Here’s the perfect printable chart for your classroom! Your students will enjoy counting by 15 or multiplying by 15 when this poster is hung in your classroom! Check it out today!
Skip Counting 15s Worksheet
Can you fill in this chart? Students will love to review multiples of 15 with this skip-counting chart. They can fill it out and use it as a helper at home or in the classroom. It is completely free and ready to download!
Counting by 15s Printables
Snail skip counting promotes speed and accuracy when it comes to counting by multiples of 15. This is a great introduction activity to multiplication or the perfect review activity for skip counting by 15.
x15 Skip Counting Activity Maze
Here’s an interactive way to promote skip counting by 15. This maze will have your students problem-solving, counting, and practicing number patterns.
Skip Counting x15 Word Problems
Improve number sense and problem-solving skills with our skip count x15 word problem printable worksheet. This worksheet is perfect for 4th through 6th grades.
xFifteen Skip Counting Speed Drills
Build your students’ number sense and fact fluency with our speed drills. Practice the multiples of 15 with this free, printable worksheet page. Your students will LOVE it!
Skip Counting Missing Number x15
Skip count by 15 with our missing number worksheet. This free printable gives students a variety of starting points to begin counting by multiples of 15.
Skip Counting Number Line by 15
Number lines are a fun and visual way to explain skip counting and multiples to your students! This no-prep printable PDF will promote counting by fifteen using a variety of skill levels.
Skip Counting Awards
Your students have really worked hard and it’s time for a reward! Here is a Fun
Skip Counting Award
Our Skip counting awards are a great way to recognize students’ hard work and determination while skip counting This chart represents all of the numbers (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15) that are included in our skip counting set.
Skip Counting Superstar Award
You will be so proud of your superstar skip-counting students after completing these skip-counting activities. Show them how proud you are of them with this printable PDF award. This award contains the date and awardee’s name.
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