FREE Summer Wordsearch worksheets for children! Kids will learn spelling, word recognition and fine motor pencil skills! If your child needs a fun and engaging problem solving reading activity, they’ll enjoy our printable word searches. If you need some more printables to help your students with their reading take a look at our R.E.A.D Curriculum Notebook today!
Summer Word Search Printable
Our engaging word puzzles and summer bucket lists make summer learning fun for all! This pack of free summer word search pages includes twelve unique word searches for your students to use. All of the worksheets are organized into easy, medium, and hard levels. Teachers can easily distribute to students at different reading levels.
Summer Word Searches
The summer word searches are an excellent way to improve a student’s vocabulary. They are also going to better commit to memory the spelling of the word they are trying to find. Teachers! For a fun game, students can also race each other to see who can find the words the fastest. Before summer hits, be sure to capture those last day of school moments with these printable signs!
Word Search Summer
These summer word searches can easily be modified for the classroom and each teacher’s specific needs. For example, each paper can be laminated before use. This way multiple students can use a dry-erase marker to make this activity re-usable. If you need more word searches for your students try our Spring Wordsearch printables today!
Easy Summer Word Search Printables
Simple Word Search
This is the simplest word search printable available in the set of printables. Give this one to your new readers.
Simple 6 Word Search
Help to keep your student’s brain active with these engaging word worksheets. Each page has a different set of words for students!
Easy Word Search
Don’t waste money buying a word search book in the store! Print these free pdfs today!
Beginner Word Search
Summer vacation word searches are a great way to keep your children from getting bored of the break from school.
Beginner Word Search for kids
Students will get the opportunity to work out their brain by being a word detective!
Beginner Word Search Kindergarten
Take a break from the heat and go inside to work on these free printable word puzzles.
Medium Word Search Printables
Intermediate Word Search
These word-search pdfs can be shared with anyone! They can be a great way to bring kids together.
Intermediate Word Search 2
Give students the chance to work on their problem-solving skills with these free word search activities.
Medium Word Search
Children will get better at reading and their letter recognition skills with these giant summer word search printables.
Medium Word Search 2
This is the second medium-level word search included in this printable word puzzle pack. Each level comes with two variations.
Advanced Word Search
Fun summer word search activity to keep your students reading and spelling over their summer vacation.
Advanced Word Search 2
Students can use different colored markers or crayons to find and circle each separate word.
Hard Word Search Printables
Difficult Word Search
Difficult word searches are also included in this free pack. For those students who are becoming master puzzle solvers!
Difficult Word Search 2
Have your students challenge their minds with these new summer word search printables.
Hard Word Search
Our summer-themed words are unique and ready for your students to find them! There are many different word searches included.
Hard Word Search 2
The summer break word search pack is very easy to transport. Kids can work on them in the park, at home, or on the road.
Challenging Word Search
Parents! Do you need a break? Or a minute of quiet time? Give your child a word search to work on!
Challenging Word Search 2
These word searches will keep your kids engaged with each unique and challenging word to find.
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