Free Famous Artists notebooking and journaling pages allow abstract studies of famous artists for kids. Students will learn how to paint like famous artists, how to journal, and more. These engaging journal pages are perfect for your upper elementary students to complete an art study. Keep your students engaged with even more creative and colorful activities in our Fine Motor Bundle.

Famous Artist Notebooking Pages
When you use this famous artist journal in upper elementary, students will be engaged in abstract study. This study of art will include famous artists, journaling, painting, and even writing. Your students will learn how to research, take notes, and will even discover new art techniques that each artist has/had mastered.
Famous Abstract Artist Journal Pages
Famous artist for children’s study makes a great resource for upper elementary art lessons. These activity pages are easy to use for teachers and students. Print the resource pages, discuss each artist and give students time and resources to continue learning about each artist. They can take notes on the lines and even try their hand at each artist’s masterpiece or design type in the frame below. Check out our Famous Artist Crafts For Kids for even more opportunities to create art and learn about famous artists!
Famous Artist Paintings
Your students will love these engaging art for kids journal pages. Students will need a pencil and design tools like paints, markers, crayons, clay, etc… to complete these printables. Once students have learned about each artist, they have the opportunity to add new information on the lines. Then students can re-create one of the famous art pieces the artist created or they can try their hand at the famous artist’s favorite design. Learn how to paint, draw, or sculpt like a famous artist with our interactive journal worksheets!
Famous Artist Notebooks
Famous Artist Jean-Michel Basquiat
Free printable journal pages featuring the famous artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. Perfect for your next art history lesson!
Famous Artists Paul Cezanne
Journal and draw with artist Paul Cezanne using this free printable PDF. Students will learn note taking and journaling skills.
Famous Artists Painting Salvador Dali
Learn to paint with Salvador Dali! Students will learn about the life of Dali, take notes or journal, and then try their hand at their own Dali design!
Famous Artist Printables
Famous Artist Painting Leonardo Da Vinci
Learning to paint with Leonardo Da Vinci is sure to capture your students’ attention!
Famous Artist Wassily Kandinsky
Studying art history? Take a look at our Wassily Kandinsky journal page! Free and low-prep printables.
Famous Artist Henri Matisse
When you study Henri Matisse you learn all about his life and design. Free printable worksheets!
Famous Artist Paintings
Famous Artist Painting Michelangelo
Creating a work of art? Follow Michelangelo’s lead and learn all about his design features!
Famous Artist Piet Mondrian
Free printable PDF featuring Piet Mondrian. This printable worksheet is perfect for your elementary students!
Famous Artist Painting Pablo Picasso
Teaching art history is fun and easy when you incorporate this Pablo Picasso journal page!
Famous Artist Jackson Pollock
Check out our famous artist Jackson Pollock. Learn all about his life and design style with this printable PDF!
Famous Artist Painting Rembrandt
Learn to paint like Rembrandt when you give students this engaging art study worksheet. Free and easy to use!
Famous Artist Norman Rockwell
Learn about Norman Rockwell as a famous artist with works created for “The Saturday Evening Post.”
Famous Artist Frida Kahlo
Give your students an intricate art study lesson featuring Frida Kahlo. Your students will not only be engaged, but excited to learn too!
Famous Artist Corita Kent
Keep your students engaged in art study when you incorporate our famous artist journal pages into your next lesson.
Famous Artist Gustav Klimt
Students learn to paint, study, journal, and take notes when you give them these printable PDFs featuring famous artists!
Famous Painter Claude Monet
Claude Monet was a famous painter. Learn to paint like Claude Monet using our free printable worksheet.
Famous Artist Painting Georgia O’Keeffe
Free study pages featuring the life of Georgia O’Keeffe. Students will learn about this amazing artist and try their hand at her design features too.
Famous Artist Andy Warhol
Fun and engaging worksheet featuring Andy Warhol. Students will love learning art history and abstract study when you incorporate these printables.
Famous Artist Vincent Van Gogh
No-prep, easy-to-use Vincent Van Gogh worksheet. Learn about his life and his design style today!
Comment (1)
I’m excited to find these worksheets on your site! These are AMAZING! Just like everything else on your wonderful site. I can’t wait to do them with my children!
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