Shape Tracing Worksheets

Free Shape Tracing Worksheets and activity pages for kids! These shapes worksheets are perfect for preschool and kindergarten students who are learning all about the different shapes. With our free printable shape tracing worksheets students will learn shape recognition, shape symmetry, tracing shapes, patterns and more! Ready for a full Shapes Curriculum? Try our Shape of the Week Preschool Program today!

Tracing Shapes Worksheets

Shape Tracing Worksheet

Students trace nine different shapes including; triangle, circle, square, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, trapezoid, star and heart.

Shapes Tracing Worksheet

Students follow the arrows to trace and draw six different shapes; circle, square, heart, triangle, star, and trapezoid.

Shape Symmetry Worksheet

Students trace and draw a line of symmetry for six different shapes; circle, rectangle, triangle, trapezoid, pentagon and octogon.

Shape Patterns Worksheet

Students solve the shape patterns by determining which shape comes next in the sequence. Students cut and paste the correct shape.

Shapes Trace & Draw Worksheet

Students trace and practice drawing four different shapes; circle, star, square, and triangle.

Drawing Shapes Worksheet

Students trace and practice drawing four different shapes; trapezoid, heart, octagon, and pentagon.

Preschool Shape Tracing Worksheets

Circle Tracing Worksheet

Students trace and color circle shapes of varying sizes. Next students draw faces in the circles

Square Tracing Worksheet

Students trace and color square shapes of varying sizes. Next students draw bows on the squares to turn them into gifts.

Triangle Tracing Worksheet

Students trace and color triangle shapes of varying sizes. Then, students draw leaves on all the triangles to make them trees.

Star Tracing Worksheet

Students trace and color star shapes of varying sizes. Next, students color the stars yellow.

Heart Tracing Worksheet

Students trace and color heart shapes of varying sizes. Then, students color the hearts pink.

Octagon Tracing Worksheet

Students trace and color octagon shapes of varying sizes. Then, students color the octagons red.

Pentagon Tracing Worksheet

Students trace and color pentagon shapes of varying sizes. Then students color them blue.

Rectangle Tracing Worksheet

Students trace and color rectangle shapes of varying sizes. Then students draw people in the rooms.

Trapezoid Tracing Worksheet

Students trace and color trapezoid shapes of varying sizes. Then students color them purple.

Hexagon Tracing Worksheet

Students trace and color hexagon shapes of varying sizes. Next, students color them orange.

Parallelogram Tracing Worksheet

Students trace and color parallelogram shapes of varying sizes. Then, students color them their favorite color.

Shape Symmetry Tracing Worksheets

Finish the Shape Worksheet

Students finish drawing these incomplete shapes by tracing the other half.

Finish the Shape Worksheet

Students finish drawing these incomplete shapes by tracing the other half.

Tracing Shapes Worksheet

Students practice tracing a variety of different shapes with this worksheet.

Shapes Picture Worksheets: Forrest

Students seek and find different shapes in the picture. Great for shape recognition as students will find stars, triangles and rectangles.

Shapes Picture Worksheet: Boat

Students seek and find different shapes in the picture. Great for shape recognition as students will find triangles and trapezoids

Shapes Picture Worksheet: Ice Cream

Students seek and find different shapes in the picture. Great for shape recognition as students will triangles and part of a circle.

Shapes Picture Worksheet: Tree

Students seek and find different shapes in the picture. Great for shape recognition as students will find a triangle and rectangle.

Shapes Picture Worksheet: House

Students seek and find different shapes in the picture. Great for shape recognition as students will find squares, triangles and rectangles.

Shapes Picture Worksheet: Robot

Students seek and find different shapes in the picture. Great for shape recognition as students will find circles, squares, rectangles, and a heptagon.

Comments (7)

  • Anna Basilla Reply

    Thank you so much for your awesome worksheets. Really helpful in teaching students with special needs.

    July 19, 2021 at 11:10 pm
  • Mercedes Purdue Reply

    These worksheets are awesome! They’re gonna be really helpful for homeschooling my daughter!

    August 12, 2021 at 7:05 am
  • Louisa Reply

    These are amazing, thank you so much for posting these!
    My class are going to love them! A big thank you from a preschool class in Italy 🙂

    August 28, 2023 at 2:51 am
  • Ashley Reply

    So thankful for access to these! I am trying to prepare our son for Pre K and while he can do some shapes needs more practice with others, thank you for making these available!

    April 29, 2024 at 12:37 pm
    • Valerie McClintick Reply

      You’re welcome, Ashley! Glad to hear they are helpful for preschool prep 🙂

      April 30, 2024 at 8:28 am
  • Mary Fabrizio Reply

    Great resource thank you for sharing. Can you make the tracing sheets for the oval and rhombus?

    July 18, 2024 at 10:45 am
  • Sarah Reply

    i am able to help my little sister how is behind and she might have to repeat prep when she sarts next year

    December 2, 2024 at 2:08 am

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