Subtraction Table Worksheets are free, printable PDF worksheets that include answer keys for kindergarten and first-grade students to use to practice single-digit and double-digit subtraction. These circular and square subtraction chart worksheets will help your students find the difference of equations with subtrahends up to 5, 10, and 20. Combining this resource with our Interactive Math curriculum helps your young learners practice hands-on, engaging math concepts!
Math Drills Subtraction
The Subtraction Table Worksheets are available for free as printable PDFs. These worksheets are specifically designed for kindergarten and first-grade students to practice reducing through the subtrahend 20. Answer keys are also included with each page of this resource! These printables feature circular and square subtraction pattern pages to assist students in solving the difference equations.
Subtrahends 0 to 5
The following resources are printable worksheets containing subtrahends to five. These worksheets are perfect for timed drills (1, 3, or 5 minutes).
Subtraction Drills: Subtrahends to 5
Perfect for timed drills in 1, 3, or 5-minute increments. These printable subtraction worksheets were designed with your elementary students in mind.
Circle Subtraction Drills: Subtrahends 0 to 5
Practice, review, and assess your student’s knowledge of single-digit subtraction with this free printable subtraction drills resource!
Subtraction Drills: Subtrahends to 5
Free printable subtraction table worksheets for elementary students. Your early learners will love these square practice tables. Grab yours today!
Subtraction Table Drills: Subtrahends to 5
Free, printable subtraction table drills with subtrahends to five. This printable is easy to use and fun for students!
Table Subtraction Drills: Subtrahends to 0-5
Teaching subtraction to kindergarten students just got a whole lot more engaging! These single-digit table drills are the perfect resource.
Subtraction Drills: Subtrahends 0-5
Square table worksheets with subtrahends from 0-5 make learning how to subtract fun and easy! Perfect for students in kindergarten!
Subtraction Drills
To use the Subtraction Table Worksheets activity, you will need access to a printer to print the PDF worksheets and answer keys. In addition, each student will need writing utensils, such as pencils or crayons, to complete the activity. Introduce the activity by explaining to the students that they will be practicing single-digit subtraction using the provided worksheets. Guide the students on how to use identify the subtrahend (the number being subtracted) and the minuend (the number being subtracted from).
Encourage the students to solve as many equations as possible within a given time frame. After they have completed the worksheet, collect and review their work to provide feedback and identify any areas that might need additional practice. Remember that repetition and consistent practice can help reinforce subtraction skills. You can use these worksheets as an ongoing activity to build your students’ confidence and proficiency in single-digit subtraction. For even more subtracting fun, check out our three digit subtraction worksheets and Subtraction Drills!
Subtrahends 0 to 10
Practice subtracting up to 10 with these subtrahends to 10 worksheets. There are two options – circular and square tables to practice with your students.
Circle Subtraction Drills: Subtrahends to 10
Practice subtracting with subtrahends to 10. Use this worksheet of focus on the art of subtraction with your elementary students.
Subtraction Circlular Drills: Subtrahends to 10
Grab your pencils and start subtracting! Use this circle table printable to practice a variety of subtraction equations in a short time!
Subtraction Drills: Subtrahends 0-10
Free, printable subtraction drill worksheet with subtrahends from zero to ten make learning about subtraction fun and easy. So, grab your pencil and start subtracting!
Table Subtraction Drills: Subtrahends to 10
Free printable subtraction table worksheets for elementary students. Your first through 5th-grade students will love these square practice tables.
Subtraction Table Drills: Subtrahends to 0-10
Download, print, and go! This subtraction table worksheet features six square tables for your elementary students to solve equations.
Subtraction Drills: Subtrahends to 10
Perfect for timed drills in 1, 3, or 5-minute increments. These printable subtraction worksheets were designed with your elementary students in mind.
Math-Drills Subtraction
Along with our Subtraction Worksheets (coming soon!), our subtraction table drills make the best practice or assessment. By incorporating the following strategies, you can maximize the learning potential of our Subtraction Table Worksheets and help your students develop a strong foundation in single-digit subtraction.
- Use the Worksheets as a Warm-Up Activity: Start your math lesson with a Subtraction Table Worksheet.
- Differentiate Learning: The worksheets can be used to differentiate learning in your classroom.
- Incorporate Independent Practice: Encourage students to complete the worksheets independently as part of their homework.
- Track Progress: Monitor your students’ progress by keeping a record of their performance on each worksheet.
Subtrahends 0 to 20
Your students will love learning to subtract with subtrahends to 20. These printables include answer keys and make the perfect timed drill practice for kindergarten or 1st grade students!
Subtraction Drills Circle: Subtrahends to 20
Practice, review, and assess your student’s knowledge of double-digit subtraction with this free printable subtraction drills resource!
Subtraction Circular Table Drills: Subtrahends 10 to 20
Print and go with our circle subtraction table drills. With subtrahends from 10-20, your students will be practicing double digit subtraction!
Free Subtraction Drills: Subtrahends to 20
Your elementary students will love their timed subtraction practice when you incorporate this circular table worksheet.
Circle Subtraction Drills: Subtrahends 0-20
Free, printable circle subtraction drills with subtrahends to twenty. Grab yours for free today!
Subtraction Drills: Subtrahends to 20
To use this subtraction drills resource, simply download, print, and use! Your students will LOVE incorporating timed drills into their learning practice!
Circular Subtraction Drills: Subtrahends 0 to 20
Grab your free downloadable subtraction drills today. The best part? They include answer keys for easy grading!
Subtraction Table Drills: Subtrahends to 20
Timed drills can be completed in 1, 3, and 5-minute intervals. This printable worksheet makes the perfect resource to use!
Square Table Subtraction Drills: Subtrahends 0-20
Practice your subtraction facts with this free square table subtraction drill worksheet. Try timing your students!
Subtrahends 0-20 Square Table Subtraction Drills
Square subtrahends to twenty are included in this printable worksheet. Great for use with timed drills. Grab your free download!
Free Subtraction Drills: Subtrahends to 20
Timed drills? No problem! Using these 0-20 subtrahend subtraction tables is the answer you’ve bene looking for!
Subtraction Drills Square: Subtrahends 0 to 20
Grab this free subtrahend zero to twenty printable. Solve each equation in the table. Perfect for timed drills!
Subtraction Drills: Subtrahends Up to 20
Square subtraction drill worksheets for free. Featuring a variety of subtrahends from 0 to 20. Free to use and easy to download!
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