Free Time Table Charts from 1-12! As kids start learning to memorize multiplication facts, it’s easy to get frustrated for parents, teachers, and kids. That’s why we decided to create an easy way for students to master their multiplication facts with our handy and easy-to-use multiplication times table printables. Kids can use these multiple times in their homeschool, classroom, tutoring, or learning centers.
Time Table Chart
What is a multiplication chart? Essentially, it’s a table that shows the products of two numbers. As you can see, one set of numbers is written on the left side and the other set is written on the right. These free multiplication sets go up to 12. The first number is called the multiplicand, the second number is referred to as the multiplier, and the answer is called the product.
Times Tables 0-12
A basic printable times table chart is perfect for showing times table worksheets in a colorful and engaging format. Students can use these times tables to memorize basic multiplication equations for multiplication drills, as a reference, as a review, or as an introduction to the land of multiplying.
Times Tables Chart
In order to get the most use out of these single-digit multiplication charts, we suggest laminating all 12 memorization facts. In addition, you can add them to protective sleeves and insert them in a 3-ring binder.
If your child still needs mastery of his multiplication tables, be sure to check out our Hundreds Chart Printables! Or test their knowledge while having fun with our Skip Counting Worksheets and Games!
Multiplication Charts
1 Times Table Chart
Start off with the easy 1 Time Table Chart for kids learning their multiplication facts. Kids will learn these easily with our 1x Multiplication Chart.
2 Times Table Chart
Your students will learn through repetition as they practice their times’ table in twos. Remember to challenge kids with counting in twos!
3 Times Table Chart
Students will learn to multiply in 3s with our 3x Table Chart you can download immediately for free. Ask students if 3s are odd or even!
Times Table Worksheets
4 Times Table Chart
Students will master multiplication in 4s with our 4 Times Table Chart. Don’t miss out on our free and colorful multiplication worksheets.
5 Times Table Chart
Free simple 5 Times Table Chart for students learning multiplication for x5. Kids can use their hands for help or introduce tally marks!.
6 Times Table Chart
Our Free Multiple Worksheets and great for early finishers, homework packs, and more. Remind students that 6 is half a dozen!
7 Times Table Chart
Our Free multiplication tables provide kids with an easy way to learn and memorize their multiplication facts. Put in a binder for extra protection.
8 Times Table Chart
The number 8 is up and let’s do some figurin’ 8s! With our x8 multiplication tables, your students will master their facts in little time.
9 Times Table Chart
We are already up to number 9! Show kids a shortcut method by showing the pattern of the first number that keeps going up and the 2nd number goes down!
10 Times Table Chart
10x Times Table Chart is easy, just add a zero to the product of the answer that you are multiplying. 10x goes all the way up to 120!
11 Times Table Chart
Free simple multiplication Worksheets for students learning multiplication 1-12. Great for early finishers, homework packs, and more.
12 Times Table Chart
We’re multiplying all the way up to 12 with our charts for multiplication. How many eggs are in a dozen? How many dozens of eggs do you have?
Multiplication Times Table Chart
Grab our at a glance times table chart as an easy reference guide or chart to display on the wall or add to take-home papers.
Multiplication Times Table Bookmark
Our fun multiplication times table bookmarks are a huge hit with kids. Plus, it will encourage them to read more using our colorful bookmarks.
Times Table Bookmarks
Simple printable multiplication fact bookmarks you can print and pass out to your students! These are great for take-home math exercises and learning multiplication facts.
Comments (3)
Hi there! These charts are so fun! My girls are just starting multiplication, and these will help so much! I’d love to print the bookmarks too, but the link to the bookmarks brings up the star bookmark chart instead of the bookmarks with the numbers at the top of the bookmarks. Help!
Great page to obtain materials. Love it.