Pencil Control

What is Pencil Control?

Pencil control refers to the ability to hold and manipulate a pencil during handwriting tasks with a functional grasp. It includes sensory processing, visual motor, and fine motor aspects such as finger strength and appropriate pressure applied to the paper with the pencil. Controlled pencil movements require this functional grasp and the ability to write letters with changes in direction at a speed that is developmentally appropriate and automatic.

Why is Pencil Control Important?

Properly holding and controlling a pencil is crucial for young learners when it comes to developing their handwriting skills. Here are some tips on how to teach young learners to hold and control a pencil:

How to Teach Pencil Control:

  1. Use the tripod grip: The tripod grip is the most commonly used grip in handwriting. It involves holding the pencil with the thumb, index, and middle fingers. Encourage your young learners to hold the pencil in this way.
  2. Practice proper posture: Good posture is important when learning to write. Encourage your young learners to sit up straight and keep their feet flat on the ground.
  3. Use the right size pencil: Make sure your young learners are using a pencil that is the right size for their hand. A pencil that is too big or too small can make it difficult to control.
  4. Start with simple strokes: Before moving on to writing letters and words, start with simple strokes such as vertical and horizontal lines, circles, and diagonal lines. This will help your young learners get used to controlling the pencil.
  5. Use tracing and copying exercises: Tracing and copying exercises can help young learners practice controlling the pencil while also building their handwriting skills.
  6. Encourage practice: Encourage your young learners to practice regularly. The more they practice, the more comfortable they will become with holding and controlling the pencil.

What are the Benefits of Pencil Control Worksheets?

Pencil control worksheets have several benefits for students. The first benefit of using pencil control worksheets is that it provides repeated practice, allowing students to reinforce pencil control by practicing various designs and grips over and over again until it becomes easier than before.

Additionally, pencil control worksheets help build the skills needed for fluent and legible writing, as they were developed to help children master all of the basic handwriting strokes they will use to properly form capital and lowercase letters.

Using these worksheets, children will improve their handwriting skills, including letter formation, spacing, and legibility. Regular practice with pencil control worksheets can also help children develop their fine motor skills by encouraging them to practice hand-eye coordination, hand strength, and dexterity.
