Free printable 5×5 Geoboard patterns, templates, and printables you can use for building fine motor skills and spatial awareness in your classroom. Geoboards are simple wooden or plastic boards that have small raised pegs, spaced in a grid pattern, usually 5×5 or 10×10. Students wrap rubberbands around the pegs to form patterns and pictures.
Basic Geoboard Pattern Printables
Print these free Geoboard pattern designs on cardstock paper and laminte for best results. Cut each square card apart so that students can visually focus on a single geoboard design at a time.
Geoboard Patterns Set 1
Free printable geoboard pattern printables featuring six different patterns and shapes for students to recreate. These random geoboard designs are great for building visual discrimination skills.
Geoboard Patterns Set 2
Six more free printable geoboard patterns and designs for your students to practice building with rubber bands. Each design uses a variety of sized rubberbands and includes color as well if you want your students to match the colors.
Geoboard Designs Template
This set above will provide you with 12 unique geoboard patterns you can practice with your children, however, you can encourage students to make their own designs and draw a pattern for their friends to recreate.
TIPS: We recommend purchasing a geoboard. We own these exact geoboards and they’ve held up quite nicely over the years. Colored Rubberbands are a must! We’ve used anything from office supply rubber bands, to the little colorful rubberbands from kids’ crafts. Both seem to work well as some shapes and designs need tighter bands and some larger shapes need stretchy bands.
Geoboard Activity Bundle
We’ve designed a HUGE hands-on activity bundle you can use for all things Geoboard in your classroom. Featuring standards-based, differentiated materials for every season and many holidays, you’ll have an entire year of fun, hands-on, fine motor skill-building learning centers with Geoboards. Check out our Geoboard Puzzle Bundle here!
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