Our Free CVCE Words Lists teach reading to preschool, kindergarten, first-grade, and second-grade students. These Long Vowels Word Lists help your child develop their reading skills by using our full-size word lists to teach them how to read CVCE words. The ending letter or suffix ‘e’ makes the sound say it’s name! You can access our free printable PDF CVCE word lists for easy reference and assessment below. Grab even more early learning fun with our R.E.A.D Curriculum Notebook.
CVCE Long A Word List
(56 Word List)
-ace: face, lace, race, space, trace
-ade: wade, blade, grade, shade, spade
-age: cage, page, stage
-ake: bake, cake, lake, rake, take, wake, brake, flake, shake, snake
-ale: male, scale, whale
-ame: game, same, tame, flame, frame
-ane: cane, lane, mane, pane, crane, plane
-ape: cape, tape, grape, shape
-ase: base, case, chase.
-ate: date, gate, late, crate, plate, skate
-ave: cave, gave, save, wave, brave, shave
CVCE Words (Coming Soon!)
Kindergarten Reading Worksheets
Kindergarten Phonics Worksheets
CVCE Long E Word List
(13 Word List)
-eme: deme, feme, heme, seme, meme
-ere: here, mere, shore, spere, stere, shere
-ete: athlete, mete, Pete
Kindergarten Reading Worksheets
CVCE Words (Coming Soon!)
Kindergarten Phonics Worksheets
CVCE Long I Word List
(47 Word List)
-ice: dice, lice, mice, nice, rice, price, slice, spice
-ide: hide, ride, side, wide, bride, glide, slide
-ike: bike, hike, spike, trike
-ile: file, pile, tile, smile
-ime: dime, lime, time, slime
-ine: line, mine, nine, pine, vine, shine, spine
-ipe: pipe, ripe, wipe, swipe
-ite: bite, kite, site, white, write
-ive: dive, five, hive, drive
Rhyming Worksheets For Kindergarten
Kindergarten Phonics Worksheets
CVCE Words (Coming Soon!)
CVCE Long O Word List
(26 Word List)
-oke: joke, poke, woke, broke, smoke, spoke
-oke: hole, mole, pole, sole, stole
-one: bone, cone, zone, stone
-ose: hose, nose, rose, close
-ote: note, vote, wrote
-ove: dove, clove, drove, stove
CVCE Words (Coming Soon!)
Kindergarten Reading Worksheets
Rhyming Worksheets For Kindergarten
CVCE Long U Word List
(27 Word List)
-ule: mule, rule, yule, capsule
-une: dune, June, tune, prune
–ute: cute, mute, brute, flute
-ume: plume, fume, costume, blume, brume
-ube: cube, tube, lube, rube, jube
-uke: duke, Luke, cuke, nuke, puke
Kindergarten Reading Worksheets
Rhyming Worksheets For Kindergarten
Kindergarten Phonics Worksheets
CVCE Word List
(159 Word List)
Long A: face, lace, race, space, trace, wade, blade, grade, shade, spade, cage, page, stage, bake, cake, lake, rake, take, wake, brake, flake, shake, snake, make, scale, whale, game, same, tame, flame, frame, cane, lane, mane, pane, crane, plane, cape, tape, grape, shape, base, case, chase, date, gate, late, crate, plate, skate, cave, gave, save, wave, brave, shave
Long E: athlete, here, mere, meme, mete, Pete, spere, stere, shere
Long I: dice, lice, mice, nice, rice, price, slice, spice, hide, ride, side, wide, bride, glide, slide, bike, hike, spike, trike, file, pile, tile, smile, dime, lime, time, slime, line, mine, nine, pine, vine, shine, spine, pipe, ripe, wipe, swipe, bite, kite, site, white, write, dive, five, hive, drive
Long O: joke, poke, woke, broke, smoke, spoke, hole, mole, pole, sole, stole, bone, cone, zone, stone, hose, nose, rose, close, note, vote, write, dove, clove, drove, stove
Long U: cube, tube, mule, rule, yule, dune, June, tune, prune, cute, flute, fume, plume, cute, fluke, juke, Luke, nuke, puke, mute, brute
What are CVCE Words?
CVCe words are words that consist of a consonant, vowel, consonant, and then the ending letter “e”. The “e” in these words is silent, but the vowel that is between the two consonants becomes a long vowel because of this silent “e”. These words can be tricky for early readers because the silent “e” changes the sound of the preceding vowel.
Teaching CVCe words in early reading programs is essential because they help students learn the relationship between phonemes and graphemes. Knowing CVCe words can help early readers develop their phonological awareness, a fundamental reading and writing skill. Using visual aids and hands-on activities, like building words with magnetic letters can help students understand the relationship between the silent “e” and long vowel sounds.
CVCE Word List PDF
CVCE Long A Word List
-ace: face, lace, race, space, trace
-ade: wade, blade, grade, shade, spade
-age: cage, page, stage
-ake: bake, cake, lake, rake, take, wake, brake, flake, shake, snake
-ale: male, scale, whale
-ame: game, same, tame, flame, frame
-ane: cane, lane, mane, pane, crane, plane
-ape: cape, tape, grape, shape
-ase: base, case, chase
-ate: date, gate, late, crate, plate, skate -ave: cave, gave, save, wave, brave, shave
CVCE Long E Word List
-eme: deme, feme, heme, seme, meme
-ere: here, mere, shore, spere, stere, shere
-ete: athlete, mete, Pete
CVCE Long I Word List
-ice: dice, lice, mice, nice, rice, price, slice, spice
-ide: hide, ride, side, wide, bride, glide, slide
-ike: bike, hike, spike, trike
-ile: file, pile, tile, smile
-ime: dime, lime, time, slime
-ine: line, mine, nine, pine, vine, shine, spine
-ipe: pipe, ripe, wipe, swipe
-ite: bite, kite, site, white, write -ive: dive, five, hive, drive
CVCE Long O Word List
-oke: joke, poke, woke, broke, smoke, spoke
-oke: hole, mole, pole, sole, stole
-one: bone, cone, zone, stone
-ose: hose, nose, rose, close
-ote: note, vote, wrote
-ove: dove, clove, drove, stove
CVCE Long U Word List
-ule: mule, rule, yule, capsule
-une: dune, June, tune, prune
–ute: cute, mute, brute, flute
-ume: plume, fume, costume, blume, brume
-ube: cube, tube, lube, rube, jube
-uke: duke, Luke, cuke, nuke, puke
Long A: face, lace, race, space, trace, wade, blade, grade, shade, spade, cage, page, stage, bake, cake, lake, rake, take, wake, brake, flake, shake, snake, make, scale, whale, game, same, tame, flame, frame, cane, lane, mane, pane, crane, plane, cape, tape, grape, shape, base, case, chase, date, gate, late, crate, plate, skate, cave, gave, save, wave, brave, shave
Long E: athlete, here, mere, meme, mete, Pete, spere, stere, shere
Long I: dice, lice, mice, nice, rice, price, slice, spice, hide, ride, side, wide, bride, glide, slide, bike, hike, spike, trike, file, pile, tile, smile, dime, lime, time, slime, line, mine, nine, pine, vine, shine, spine, pipe, ripe, wipe, swipe, bite, kite, site, white, write, dive, five, hive, drive
Long O: joke, poke, woke, broke, smoke, spoke, hole, mole, pole, sole, stole, bone, cone, zone, stone, hose, nose, rose, close, note, vote, write, dove, clove, drove, stove
Long U: cube, tube, mule, rule, yule, dune, June, tune, prune, cute, flute, fume, plume, cute, fluke, juke, Luke, nuke, puke, mute, brute
Comments (2)
Can I please get a copy of the magic e poster that has tap, kit, and pin on it? The one with the yellow border and it has a rabbit and magic hat on the top left corner.
Hi Carley, This chart is available here: https://superstarworksheets.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/MagicEAnchorChart.pdf Happy Teaching!