Free Days of the Week printables, activities, worksheets, and ideas to help your students learn the days of the week in English and Spanish! Learning the days of the week in order is simple when you pair our engaging days of week charts, alongside our days of the week song and printable flashcards and activity pages. Start off each morning circle time with these helpful tools and your preschool and kindergarten students will know their days of the week in no time!

Days of the Week
Free printable Days of the Week activities for preschool and kindergarten. This colorful days of the week chart features each day of the week starting with Sunday. Print this PDF for your morning calendar circle time activities.

Days of the Week Printable
Free printable Days of the week chart for students learning the days of the week. Print this full color PDF chart to hand in your classroom or morning circle time area. Point to each day of the week as you sing the Days of the Week Song! (lyrics below)
Days of the Week Chart
Here is another printable Days of the Week Poster you can use as a helpful reference tool or bulletin board classroom display. This chart features each day of the week in order.
Days of the Week Song
If your students have difficulty remembering the Days of the Week in order, try singing the Days of the Week song! This is a simple song that is sung to the tune of “Clementine,” the old folk tune that is 100% sure to stick in your head! The song goes like this: “Oh my darlin’, oh my darlin’, oh my dar–lin’ Clementine….” Now that you’ve got that song stuck in your head, add the days of the week to the tune:
“Sun-day, Mon-day, Tuesday, Wednes-day, Thursday, Fri—-day, Sat-ur-day…..There are seven days, there are seven days, there are seven days in a week.”
Days of the Week Song (Tune: “Oh My Darlin’ Clementine”)
Days of the Week Preschool Calendar
Here is a helpful tool for your preschool and kindergarten students to build calendar skills. This calendar morning board features placements for Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Each morning you can have your students replace the day of the week using the wordwall cards below.
Days of the Week Morning Time Board
Learning the days of the week is simple with our free printable Days of the week Calendar word wall cards. Print these on cardstock and use during your morning circle time. You can swap the day of the week each moring.
Abbreviated Days of the Week Cards
Once your students know the days of the week, it’s important they learn the abbreviations of each day. Many calendars use the abbreviated days of the week, and this will set your students up for success. Note: Some calendars list Tuesday as Tue, Tues and Thursday as Thu, Thur, Thurs.
Days of the Week Flashcards
This is a set of smaller Days of the Week flashcards that can be used by students to practice placing the days of the week in order.
Type & Spell Learning Mat
Pair this free printable learning center mat with our Days of the Week flashcards. Your students can practice reading, writing, and typing the days of the week.
Spanish Days of the Week
Spanish Days of the Week
Teach your students to read and say the days of the week in Spanish! You’ll find free teaching resources including Spanish days of the week charts, Worksheets, flashcards and more.
Spanish Days of the Week Worksheets
Ready to learn the Spanish days of the week? You’ll find free teaching resources including Spanish days of the week charts, Worksheets, flashcards, activity pages, crosswords, word search puzzles and more! Everything you need to learn the days of the week in Spanish.
Days of the Week Printables
After your students have learned the days of the week in order, you can expand their learning by teaching them how to write and spell the days of the week. We also have some calendar building activities students can use to create their own weekly calendar by listning and following directional cues. Wondering what else to teach your students? Check out our Months of the Year Printables and our Free Preschool Assessment for more.
Days of the Week Worksheets
These free printable Days of the Week worksheets will help your student learn the order of the days, as well as how to spell each word. You’ll find fun Days of the Week games, puzzles, word search, crosswords, cut and paste activities and more.
Days of the Week Worksheets
Students build logic and critical thinking skills while learning how to organize a weekly calendar. These prompts will have your students practicing their planning, organizing, and listening skills while putting their weekly calendar events in order.
Days of the Week Handwriting Practice
Free printable handwriting practice pages for students to trace, write, and spell the days of the week. This set includes seven individual pages for students to practice letter formation.
Days of the Week in Cursive
For older students, we have many free printable cursive alphabet worksheets available for students learning to read and write in cursive. Below, we’ve also designed simple cursive tracing practice worksheets that will help your students learn to link cursive letters together to write words. Starting with familiar words that students know how to spell is helpful when learning a new skill like cursive.
Cursive Handwriting Days of the Week
Older students in second grade and up can practice cursive handwriting skills by writing the days of the week in cursive. These cursive practice pages include tracing guides that slowly fade providing students will independent writing practice.
What are the Days of the Week?
The days of the week, are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Here is a quick copy and paste list of the Days of the Week:
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
What is the First Day of the Week?
In many Western countries, Sunday is considered the first day of the week, while in some other parts of the world, Monday is considered the first day of the week. Here in America I was taught that Sunday was the first day of the week and that is what I taught my kiddos as well.
How to Teach the Days of the Week
Learning the days of the week is one of the first memorization skills young toddlers and preschoolers can accomplish. This is becuase they’ve likely already been exposed to the concept of days with naming structure and order in their daily lives. However, they might not have a complete concept map the all the name in the correct order. This is where you want to add to their previous knowledge with strong visual and audiory cues.
- Start each morning with a visual chart of the days of the week. Sing the days of the week song, while student point to the days of the week on the chart.
- Print our Days of the Week Wordwall Cards. Swap the cards in and out of your pocket chart each morning. If you are using a morning time board, simply laminate the cards, and put velcro on the back of the card and on your board. Task your student with updating the day of the week each morning and reading aloud, “Today is _______”
- You can expand this learning by taking students will verbalizing “Yesterday was______” and “Tomorrow will be_____”
- Now, this part is important for recall. You must revisit the day of the week later in the day in normal conversation. This can be done with simple prompts asking students, “What day is it again?” “What are we doing today? (allow them to answer) Oh, that’s right…. it’s Tuesday, so we are going to…..” Adding these quick no-pressure recall prompts within your daily conversation will help your students develop important internal concept maps.
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