These free, printable, weekly calendar activity pages will help your students organize, sequence, and recognize the days of the week. To complete each worksheet, students will have to first read and follow each set of directions. As they finish each task, they can check it off the list. The tasks include counting, writing, drawing, numbering, using fine motor skills, task initiation, sustained attention, and task persistence skills. They are sure to get your students brains going! Looking for more fine motor activities? Click here!

January Weekly Calendar Worksheet
Start off the new year with this days of the week worksheet. Your students will practice their executive skills as they work through the lists of tasks.

February Weekly Calendar Worksheet
Students get a full look at a week in February with this days of the week worksheet. Allowing them a visual representation of today, tomorrow and yesterday.

March Weekly Calendar Worksheet
With this days of the week printable worksheet, students will build skills in math, reading and writing, all in one worksheet!

April Weekly Calendar Worksheet
Where else can you get a free days of the week printable that covers so many studies? From writing numbers and words to sequence and drawing. It is all here.
May Weekly Calendar Worksheet
Students will practice sequence, organization, and knowledge of the days of the week with this free printable days of the week worksheet.
June Weekly Calendar Worksheet
Your students will be asked to number days, cross off and circle days as well as write plans on this multi-lesson, printable days of the week worksheet.
July Weekly Calendar Worksheet
What day is 4 days after Thursday? Your Students will know! This days of the week worksheet will have your students drawing, writing, numbering their way through a week of July.
August Weekly Calendar Worksheet
Following directions, reading and task persistence are the foundations of this August, days of the week, worksheet. It is great practice for your students!
September Weekly Calendar Worksheet
It’s September already? Get your students off to a running start with this multi-discipline, days of the week printable worksheet. A great addition to your calendar lesson.
October Weekly Calendar Worksheet
October is here! Between drawing pumpkins and labeling Halloween, your students will have fun with this printable days of the week worksheet. For more FREE printable calendar activities try our Months of the Year printables today!
November Weekly Calendar Worksheet
Your students will have fun planning their week, as they commit the calendar from working to recall memory with this days of the week worksheet for kindergarten.
December Weekly Calendar Worksheet
December is a fun month for students. This days of the week calendar would be a great part of class before the break. Add your own tasks to include more holidays!
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