FREE Envelope Template printables! Use our envelope templates to transform your letter-writing activities into engaging hands-on learning experiences with these printable folding paper templates. Our templates combine fine motor skill development with creative expression! This envelope printing template is perfect for creative writing projects, Valentine’s Day activities, thank you notes, and pen pal programs. For more printable elementary activities, try out our Kindergarten Bundle today!
Envelope Address Template
Each letter template has been designed to serve multiple educational purposes. We have included a classic envelope design that features clear address lines to help students master proper letter formatting. As well as geometric folder envelopes for students to understand spatial relationships and mathematical concepts through paper folding. All printable envelope templates include easy-to-follow fold lines that guide students through the assembly process. For more FREE writing activities try our Kindergarten Writing Paper.
Envelope Template
Here is a simple envelope template to print and use. Just cut around the bold lines and fold inwards on the folded lines until an envelope is formed.
Envelope Templates
Here is a square shaped envelope template for simple assembly. Each of the paper flaps are labeled with clear numbers so students can follow the steps in order.
Envelope Templates Printable
This printable letter pack is perfect for classroom mailbox systems, pen pal programs, or adorable parent-teacher communications. These word envelope templates make letter-writing a memorable and enriching experience that students genuinely enjoy. To add to the class room letter boxes try out our variety FREE Valentine’s Day Templates!
Mini Envelope Printing Template
This is a set of two mini envelopes each one provides a different shape. This are so cute when giving out little notes to students, great for holidays or feedback on assignments.
Envelope Template Printable
This is a large square shaped envelope great for larger letters. Students are able to write a letter on a separate piece of paper or write their note on the inside of the envelope for the receiver to open.
Envelopes Template
Practice address formatting when using the envelope templates. Learning how to properly address a letter is a great life skill to teach students in the classroom!
Envelope Printing Template
Our envelope template can be a great teaching aid for your teaching routine! Perfect for cross-curricular learning. Students will practice written communication skills, fine motor handwriting skills, all while engaging in artistic expression and developing spatial awareness. This hands-on craft will have children folding and assembling these templates. Keeping children engaged while reinforcing important concepts such as geometry and design. Need some more FREE writing printables? Try out our Santa Letter Templates and Handwriting Paper today!
Address Envelope Template Printable
This is an address envelope template printable, the foldable template includes a spot to place the stamp, three lines for return address, and three lines for sending address.
Printable Envelope Template
This is a printable envelope template that has a bubble edge as the opening. This large envelope can fit and be printed on to a piece of standard sized printer paper.
Heart Envelope Template
This heart-shaped template adds a fun and creative element that’s perfect for special occasions. Perfect for thank you notes, or Valentine’s Day projects!
Square Envelope Template
For a fun classroom activity set up a classroom mailbox system for student correspondence. This can be a great way for children to practice their communication skills between each other.
Circle Envelope Template
Children can create their own classroom “mailboxes” out of shoe boxes and decorate them how every they want. Before decorating, a thin letter sized hole can be cut in the top for students to slip letters inside.
Rectangle Envelope Template
After printing have students color and decorate their envelope templates before cutting. Teach children the correct way to fold the letter template.
Santa Envelope Templates Printable BW
Here is a black and white Santa Clause themed letter envelope template. The letter has candy cane decorations as well as stripes around the border of the letter.
Santa Envelope Templates Printable
This is a colorful Christmas letter template to Santa! These are great templates for teachers and parents to use when delivering return letters from Santa.
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