Kindergarten Addition Worksheets

Free Kindergarten Addition worksheets for students learning basic addition skills. Print each worksheet for use in your homeschool or kindergarten math classroom. You’ll find vertical, horizontal equations, picture addition, making 10, number lines, finger counting, cut & paste, word problems, number bonds, five frames, dab & dot activity pages and so much more! These math worksheets are perfect for kindergarten students for a quick addition activity. If you’re looking for more FUN ways to engage and enrich your math lessons, try our Interactive Math Notebook for Kindergarten! It’s a complete 36-week curriculum that includes daily, standards-based, hands-on learning activities.

5 Frames Addition

Children will figure out the difference between the beginning and end amount and determine how much was added.

Addition Dab & Dot Page.1

After adding each bubble dot the bubble with the color the number corresponds with.

Addition Dab & Dot Page.2

After adding each bubble dot the bubble with the color the number corresponds with.

Addition Worksheets

Use the number line to help with each addition problem.

Add to 5 Quick Practice Page.1

Add each one of the cards to 5.

Add to 5 Quick Practice Page.2

Add each one of the cards to 5.

Add to 5 Quick Practice Page.3

Add each one of the cards to 5.

Addition Dab & Dot Page.3

After adding each bubble dot the bubble with the color the number corresponds with.

Counting Fingers then Adding

Count and write down the number of fingers being held up then add them together and write the answer down.

Counting Fingers then Adding

Count and write down the number of fingers being held up then add them together and write the answer down.

Counting Object Groups Then Adding Page.1

Count and write down the number of chocolate chips on each cookie then add them together and write the answer down.

Counting Object Groups Then Adding Page.2

Count and write down the number of chocolate chips on each cookie then add them together and write the answer down.

Cut & Paste Addition

Solve each problem and then cut out the answer and glue it to the correct problem.

Horizontal Addition

Draw pictures to solve.

Horizontal Addition

Add each problem and write the answer in the box.

Word Problems

Read the problem then draw it to solve and answer the question.

Word Problems

Read the problem then draw it and answer the question.

Word Problems

Read the problem then draw it and answer the question.

Making 5 (five frames)

Write the number of animals already in the boxes and then figure out how many more are needed to make the final product equal five.

Making 5 (five frames)

Write the number of animals already in the boxes and then figure out how many more are needed to make the final product equal five.

Making 5 With Numerals

Figure out how many different ways you can make 5.

Making 10 (Ten Frames)

Count how many animals are in the boxes and write the amount down and and then determine how much is need to make the total ten and then write that down.

Making 10 with Number Bonds

Count up the top and bottom amount and write each number in the top and bottom bubbles

Making 10 Quick Match

Choose two numbers from the number box that add up to 10.

Roll and Add

Cut out the dice and fold on the lines. Then glue the flaps together. Roll the dice and and write the numbers on a separate paper until you get a a few and then add them together.

Roll and Add

Use this paper to write down the numbers you rolled from Roll and Add.

Spin and Add Game

Spin the wheel using a paper clip to finish the math facts then solve the equation.

Vertical Addition

Use the “solve it” box to help count up each number and add up the total.

Vertical Addition

Use the “solve it” box to help count up each number and add up the total.

Vertical Addition within 10

Count the top and bottom amount and then write the total in the bottom right corner.

Vertical Addition within 10

Count the top and bottom amount and then write the total in the bottom right corner.

Ready for more? Try these free Kindergarten Addition Worksheets and Make 100 Worksheets for tons of hands-on learning fun!

Comments (6)


    Very useful…thank you

    June 13, 2021 at 8:46 pm
  • Colleen Phillips Reply

    Thank you for these worksheets. they are just what I need for my Grade R learners; all the work is done for me!

    August 27, 2022 at 4:33 am
  • Dee Poellnitz Reply

    Hi! Glad to have found these! The Vertical Adding to 10 pg.2 actually prints as page 1.

    January 25, 2023 at 8:37 am
    • valerie Reply

      Thank you for letting us know Dee! All fixed, you can refresh the page and download 🙂

      January 26, 2023 at 8:03 am
  • sharon Reply

    I love your website, Thank you so much, God bless you

    December 16, 2024 at 1:30 pm
  • Angela Sealy-Lewis Reply

    Thank you

    February 24, 2025 at 1:24 am

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