Number lines are a fantastic strategy for solving mathematical equations. Learning about number lines and how to use them is fun and easy with our free printable number line worksheets and activity pages. You’ll find number line worksheets with integers, fractions, and addition and subtraction, as well as skip counting, multiplication on a number line, and even elapsed time.

Number Line Worksheets for Kindergarten
Free printable number line worksheets for preschool and kindergarten students who are learning about number lines.

Addition on a Number Line Worksheets
Students work on simple addition equations using a number line to solve. Each number line features three opportunities for students to practice addition skills. Differentiated with addends to 9 and sums to 10 as well as addends to 19 and sums to 20.
Subtraction on a Number Line Worksheets
Free printable subtraction on a number line worksheets including differentiated levels with minuends and subtrahends. Additional skills expansion with number line word problems to solve. Students will use the number line to write an equation and solve each problem.
Skip Counting with Number Line Worksheets
Students build skip counting skills while writing in the missing numbers on the number lines. We’ve created skip counting number line worksheets for multiplication facts x2 through x15.
Multiplication Word Problems w/Number Lines
Students are asked to solve multiplication word problems using a variety of strategies. This includes: equations, pictures, ten frames, number bonds, and number lines.
Elapsed Time on a Number Line
For students who are learning to tell time, we’ve created a few elapsed time number line activity pages. You’ll find everything you need to teach elapsed time including charts, games, worksheets and more.
Number Line Worksheets
Free printable number line worksheets for students to find and locate placements of integers on a number line. These integers on a number line worksheets have different units like 1, or 2, and students must estimate location.
Fractions on a Number Line
Free printable fractions on a number line worksheets for students learning to plot the value of fractions. Each fraction covers denominators or 2, 3, 4, or 5 and asks students to DOT and label the location of different fractions on the number line.
Blank Number Lines
These printable PDF number line worksheets are great for student resources, classroom posters, assessment support, and so much more! Add, subtract, fractions, rounding and other mathematical concepts using these worksheets.
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