Free printable sight word games for preschool, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, and third grade students. You’ll find a variety of games with sight words including sight word BINGO, sight word tic-tac-toe, sight word slap, and even four in a row BUMP sight words. We have premium editable sight word worksheets or editable spelling games available as well.
Sight Words Game Cards
You’ll LOVE the versatility of our Sight word Games as they have been designed to universally fit our Sight Word Flashcards! That means you can print our free printable sight word flashcards and use them with any of the printable sight word games below! Our sight word flashcards are color-coded and labeled so you’ll never be wondering which word belongs to which common word set. Be sure to print out our grade-level sight word lists for easy teacher reference while you play the games.
Our fun sight word games are not online games, but PDF printables you can use for hands-on learning centers to cover high-frequency words. Your students can play single-player or multi-player games that are sure to keep them engaged and having fun learning sight words. We’ve organized our printable sight word activities by the number of players below! Learning to read doesn’t have to be boring! All of our games are designed to encourage learning while having fun and increasing student engagement to aid with retention.
Classroom Games with Sight Words
These printable sight word games are perfect for students in larger groups, or classroom settings. While these games can be played with 1-2 players, they are generally more exciting with 3 or more participants.
Sight Words BINGO
Free printable BINGO with sight words games for PreK-3rd grade. These games are created using Dolch 200 Sight Word BINGO lists.
Multiplayer Sight Word Games
These free printable sight word games require 2 or more players. These are perfect for small table group work, and hands-on literacy centers.
Sight Words SLAP Game
Free printable sight word slap game for all ages! This game is played with two players, who each have their own deck of sight word flash cards. Players simultaneously reveal their top card by flipping it over and placing it on the mat. If the two words match players must be first to slap the hand to win the cards. Be sure you print enough duplicate copies of word cards to make this game entertaining and fun. We recommend having 3-4 copies of the same words for continued interest.
Sight Words Tic-Tac-Toe Game
Free Printable Sight Words Tic-Tac-Toe Game Board for students to read and write sight words! Laminate these boards and use them with dry-erase markers. Each student will need a different color marker (The color representing the player). Place sight word flashcards in the draw piles. Players take turns drawing a word, reading the word on the card, and writing that word in their color to claim the space. This game is perfect for differentiation as each player can have different sight word cards.
Sight Words Dots & Boxes Game
Sight Word Squares game is great for students of all ages to build important reading skills. Place sight word flashcards upside down on the draw piles. Students take turns drawing a card, reading the sight word aloud, then drawing a line from one dot to another dot (horizontal or vertical lines only) A student who closes or completes a square can color in the square with their color to earn 1 point. The game is over when all squares are colored in, and points are tallied.
4-in-a-row Sight Words Game
Four in a row sight word games are great fun for students of all ages! Because this game includes prewritten sight words, you’ll want to download the specific grade level you are working on. You’ll also want to pair up students of similar grade levels and abilities.
Single Player Sight Word Games
These free printable sight word games are designed for single-player and independent skill building. These can be played at student desks, making them great for early finishers.
Sight Words Learning Mat
Build fine motor skills with this free multi-sensory printable sight words learning mat! Students place their flashcards on the top of the mat and read the word. Next, students build the sight word with play dough. Then, students use letter magnets to spell their words. Finally, students use letter tiles or snap cubes to build their sight words. This independent learning mat is great for repetition and helpful for young learners.
Sight Words Read, Build, & Spell
Student place three sight word flashcards face up on the board. Then using letter manipulatives (letter tiles, letter magnets, alphabet snap cubes, etc…) students build the word in the adjacent boxes. This sight word game is great for single-player, independent spelling, and literacy centers.
Spin & Write Sight Words Game
Students can work on sight word spelling and sight words handwriting with this independent spin and write sight words game. Laminate for reuse and use a dry erase marker. Students place their flashcard on the mat, then spin to see how man times they will write the word.
Card Games with Sight Words
You can use our free printable sight word flashcards to play a variety of basic card games. These are all DIY sight word games and require very few additional materials to get set up!
Sight Word Memory or Concentration Games:
Print duplicates of each sight word card. Shuffle and turn over in a grid pattern. Take turns revealing two cards at a time, reading each word, and looking for a match. If a student makes a match, they keep the cards and play again. If there is no match, they flip the cards back over and it’s the next player’s turn. The winner is the player with the most sight word matches when all cards are revealed.
Sight Word Go Fish Games:
Similar to concentration, you’ll print duplicate copies of each sight word card. Shuffle the deck and students draw 5 cards each for their hand. Students look at their hands to find any matches, which they lay them down in front of them as a point. Students then take turns asking for the matching cards their need. If the other player has the requested card, they must surrender it to the asker, who again places the match in front of them on the table. If the other player doesn’t have the requested card, they must tell the requester to “Go Fish!” The requester will draw the first card off the deck and place it in their hand. It’s the next player’s turn to ask. If a player runs out of cards at any time, they must draw three new cards from the deck. The winner is the player with the most matches when the deck is depleted.
Sight Word Fishing Games:
Place the magnetic paperclip on the sight word flashcards. Mix up a pile of flashcards for students to “fish” from. Provide students with a fishing pole (stick, string, with a magnet attached at the end) Students will fish from the pond by hovering the magnet over the word cards to see what attracts them. They’ll then reel in their card and read it aloud. If they don’t know the word, they must practice reading it three times and then throw it back. The winner is the player with the most fish at the end.
Sight Word SWAT Game:
This game is exciting and engaging for even the most reluctant readers. You’ll want lots of room to spread out. Place a handful of sight words neatly in a grid on the tabletop so that your student has a clear view of all words. Provide your student with a CLEAN plastic fly swatter. Each time you call out a sight word, instruct your student to find and SWAT the word! You can expand the game by placing different words in different rooms in your house for your student to locate. This is sure to get out lots of energy and can provide a nice transitional break between activities…something your student will look forward to.
Editable Sight Word Games & Worksheets
If you’re looking for editable teaching resources be sure to check out our Editable Spelling Curriculum! It’s customizable to your own spelling words, sight words, student names, vocabulary words, or any other words you’d like your students to work on. You’ll love the autofill features that instantly populates over 30 hands-on activities, games, worksheets, and even assessments for your students! Best of all, with our instant download format, you can get started today!
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Great for my first grade grand-daughter