Free printable multiplication charts. We’ve included a colorful multiplication chart for student reference, as well as a blank multiplication chart for students to fill in. You’ll find black and white versions with random blanks for students to practice their multiplication facts and times tables.
Multiplication Charts
Multiplication Chart
Free printable multiplication chart for numbers 1-12 covering math facts up to 144. Students can use this simple multiplication table chart as a reference tool to solve simple equations. Hang this PDF multiplication chart in your classroom or print one for each student’s math notebook.
Printable Multiplication Chart
This is a free printable 10 x 10 Multiplication Chart that shows multiplication math facts for 1-100. Studnets can easily follow the color cues to solve multiplication math facts quickly and easily.
Multiplication Chart Printable
Free multiplication chart printable for learning multiplication math facts. This 10 x 10 multiplication chart makes a simple, and colorful reference for your math students learning 1-100 multiplication facts.
Multiplication Table Chart
Free multiplication chart printable for students learning their times table facts. This colorful, printable 10 times table chart covers multiplication facts for numbers 1-10. This chart can be used with younger students who can easily use their fingers to follow the color path in order to find the correct product.
Free Printable Multiplication Chart
Our free printable multiplication chart covers 10 x 10 multiplication table facts. This colorful reference chart highlights multiplication doubles for easy reference. Print this PDF chart to show students a simple pattern for learning multiplication doubles.
Free Printable Multiplication Chart
When you are ready for students to actively practice their times tables, you can use the worksheets and games below. We also have helpful worksheets for skip counting, and learning math facts fast with our multiplication flashcards and multiplication bingo games.
Printable Multiplication Table Chart
Print this free multiplication chart to use as a reference for students learning their multiplication facts. This chart includes multiplication facts 1-12 and is a great math notebook printout for students keeping a math journal.
Multiplication Chart Worksheet
Here is a free printable worksheet with random blanks for students to fill in the missing products. This missing number multiplication chart features number x1 through x12 multiplication facts. Students can use their fingers to follow along to determine the missing product. These make great multiplication assessment tools as they are random and require students to be proficient in all numbers.
Multiplication Chart Blank
This is a completely blank multiplication chart for students to practice filling in all numbers on the multiplication table. When you are ready for your students to really show they know their multiplication facts, this black multiplication chart template is a great solution. You might have students use a different color for the multiplication doubles to show the patterns.
Multiplication Chart Printables
Our free printable multiplication tables are are helpful math tool for your students to solve their multiplication word problems. These PDF times table charts can be printed for student reference or classroom posters.
Times Table Charts & Printables
Multiplication Chart printables for students learning their times tables. Find free multiplication charts, multiplication flashcards, times table charts, multiplication worksheets, multiplication games, and more! Everything you need to help your students master their math facts quickly. We provide Multiplication Chart 1-100 and x 12 Multiplication Table facts.
Multiplication Times Tables
Simple multiplication table for students to practice their math facts. For each number 1-10 students fill in the missing product. Laminate and use with dry erase markers for reuse. You could even cut these apart and store them on a ring for no-prep math learning stations.
Times Table Chart x10
Free printable times table chart for students learning multiplication facts up to 10 x 10. This colorful chart can be hung in the classroom for easy reference or cut each section apart to make times table bookmarks for your students. This will certainly help them to practice memorizing multiplication facts.
Multiplication Flashcards
Free printable multiplication flashcards for numbers 0-12. This color-coded set will make learning the multiplication times tables a snap! Plus, you can pair these with our free printable Multiplication BINGO games for your kids to play and learn their math facts.
When to Teach Multiplication Facts
Learning multiplication times tables doesn’t have be for older students only. Students as young as kindergarten can start practicing their x10 facts as soon as they can count to 100, because they are able to recognize simple number patterns on the hundreds chart. However, in more formal learning programs, students begin multiplication table memorization in the 3rd grade.
Why Teach Multiplication Facts?
This is actually a great question! With the world at our fingertips, and the calculators in our pockets, why even teach multiplication facts to begin with? For me personally, as a homeschooling mom, the answer was simple: LIFE. Multiplication is a necessary life skill, and your children will need to calculate daily mental math with speed to make quick decisions. (Think of shopping, bill paying, taxes, investments, loans, etc…). Additionally, multiplication lays the foundation for division, algebra, and many other concepts that will come down the road as they get older. Slowing down to type numbers into a calculator will actually cause them quite a bit of frustration—so a little hard work upfront will prevent problems in the future.
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⭐ Over 100 Pages of Skip Counting
⭐ Covers The Numbers 2-15
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Which Multiplication Facts to Teach First?
If you’re wondering how to use a multiplication chart or which order to teach the numbers, we’ve got some helpful tips for you! We always used this specific order ourselves: 10, 5, 2, 3, 9, 4, 6, 7, 8 and I’ll outline some tips and insights below to help you decide your own order.
x10 Multiplication Fact Chart These are the easiest to learn for students who are already familiar with numbers 1-100. Once your students can count using a hundreds chart, you can show them the pattern on the charts for the x10 skip counting math facts. Have them practice their x10 facts daily and they’ll have them down in just a few days.
x5 Multiplication Fact Chart Similarly with x10 facts, the x5 facts are another easy pattern to recognize on the hundred chart. Show students how they can hop back and forth, while moving down the chart reciting their times table facts. In general, with a bit of daily verbal repetition, your students will pick up this skip counting pattern with ease.
x2 Multiplication Fact Chart I personally feel this is the next easiest pattern to learn, because it can again be taught with the hundreds board, and after your student is accustomed to “hopping” from their x5 facts, it’s super easy to adapt to hopping from 2, 4, 6, 8 and their critical thinking skills are primed to look for patterns, this one with ending numbers.
x3 Multiplication Fact Chart: These are a bit harder to learn. There is not an easy pattern, but I have a song for these. Simply sing these facts to the tune of Jingle Bells and your students will easily memorize their x3 facts. “3-6-9 12-15 18-21 24 & 27 30 -it’s so fun!” This song only gets you up to #30, but it’s a good start.
x9 Multiplication Fact Chart: Your kids are going to love the fun pattern with their x9 multiplication facts! There are so many to choose from, but my favorite and what I think is the easiest is to learn for mental math is “Up-Down.” This method requires your student to have a familiarity with place value. So looking at the number 9, the tens column value goes up 1, and the ones column value goes down 1. For example, 09, 18, 27, 36….etc. At first, this pattern is much easier to write on paper than it is to do mentally so use visual cues to your advantage.
x4 Multiplication Fact Chart Once your student has memorized what I like to call the “easier” multiplication facts, there are still a handful of numbers they’ll need to memorize. You could try our color-by-number multiplication worksheets for a simple introduction to more difficult numbers. Of course, these numbers also have patterns, however, they are not as easily recognized by younger students. Memorizing these multiplication facts will take more practice, daily verbalizing, and lots of practice.
x6 Multiplication Fact Chart As we get into these middle numbers (6-8) it can be really hard for students to get them memorized. Provide ample time to practice with multiplication flashcards, as well as try out some multiplication games. These will provide some relief from the frustration sometimes experienced with these middle numbers. Additionally, you can practice increasing speed with our free printable multiplication wheels.
x7 Multiplication Fact Chart Memorizing multiplication facts for sevens is difficult. Give your students enough time and consider printing our multiplication bookmarks and our skip counting speed drills to take home for extra practice. These are specifically designed to help your students review each number, and increase the speed of mental math.
x8 Multiplication Fact Chart Last but not least, we learned our x8 multiplication facts. It was really a toss-up between x7 and x8, they both seem to be a struggle no matter what we try, but we push through. Play games. We have a variety of Multiplication games available for you to print and play. Also, try this set of 40 free multiplication drill worksheets. These are timed one-minute multiplication drills that will help review the previous numbers (and build some confidence in your students while learning something new and difficult like x8 facts.
We Memorized Math Facts…… Now What?
Memorizing the skip counting sequences certainly helps, and getting your times table facts down is a HUGE foundational element for the upcoming grades, but there is so much more to learning multiplication! Beyond route memorization of multiplication facts, strive to help your kiddos really solidify an understanding of multiplication and what the numbers represent.
Introduce your student to visual pictures of multiplication, such as with grids, or arrays. You can print our free graph paper to create your own multiplication arrays. Try introducing multiplication word problems so they can practice manipulating the numbers in new ways. We have a variety of other charts including addition charts, subtraction charts, division charts, and more multiplication printables here.
Comments (2)
Thank you so very, very much for providing these worksheets. With Covid, I am home schooling one granddaughter (grade 3) and my daughter is also home schooling her 2 children (grade 1 and 4). We have taught some history and science classes via zoom and had some combine classes together.
But finding worksheets to assist us, isn’t always an easy task. Happy was the day we found your page.
You have talents that I lack. I am appreciative that you share your talents so willingly.
multiplication chart